October 31, 2017 By Michael Mendenhall 2 min read

Bluemix is now IBM Cloud: Build confidently with 170+ services

IBM Cloud has been reaching new heights by partnering with businesses globally. IBM saw double-digit growth in our strategic imperatives and the cloud business delivered more than $15.8 billion in revenue over the last 12 months, and the as-a-service annual exit run rate grew 25 percent in the third quarter.

Our goal is to provide a cloud that is easy to use, unified across multiple deployments and the world leader in supporting mission critical workloads. As part of our ongoing work to build the cloud designed for you, we are unifying the public, private, hybrid and multi-cloud under one brand. We are the IBM Cloud. The Cloud for your business.

Today we are excited to announce that we are merging the Bluemix brand with IBM Cloud brand since they’ve grown to be synonymous. All the Bluemix products, services, support etc that you know and love will continue being offered with no changes, except for a simpler name … IBM Cloud.

We’ve simplified our user experience, introducing the new IBM Cloud Lite account that never expires – it gives users access to try services with no time restrictions. We’ve also introduced a new server ordering process.  You asked, and we listened, delivering a much more streamlined experience.

IBM Cloud is Designed for your Data, AI Ready and Secure to the core

IBM Cloud offers the widest array of database options, from relational to NoSQL, while ensuring strong consistency, high integrity, and no delay.

IBM Cloud powers AI-intensive workloads that demand data integrity, low-latency and parallel processing. It also offers a broad range of Watson AI and machine learning APIs to build your own applications.

Security is at the core of IBM Cloud, it is not an after thought. IBM Cloud secures the movement of data on a network of networks. Public, private, and management traffic travel across separate network interfaces, segregating and securing traffic while streamlining management. IBM Cloud meets data sovereignty and compliance regulations with nearly 60 locally owned and operated data centers in 19 countries—more than any other cloud provider.

IBM Cloud meets you where you are

IBM Cloud offers 170+ services ranging from bare metal, containers, and serverless computing to hyper scale infrastructure, blockchain, AI/ML, and HP, all with built in security at their core.
• Build on an open source foundation: As a founding and active member of Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Cloud Foundry Foundation and several others, IBM Cloud offers you several choices to build your apps on Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry, Cloud Functions, Spark, Jupyter, R, CouchDB etc.
• Migrate confidently: Even the most complex migrations to the cloud including VMware, SAP, Oracle or your legacy workloads are made easier with IBM Cloud, allowing you to move faster and be more agile.
• Grow without hesitation: Expand your footprint without ever changing your cloud provider, including extending from local hosting to full globalization, and even brokerage in between multiple clouds.

So what does this mean for you?

For starters, we’ve launched a new website that reflects this new experience. You will also start seeing communications from IBM refer to IBM Cloud instead of Bluemix. Some product names have also been changed as part of this effort. As an existing Bluemix customer, the full catalog of services continues to be available to you as-is:  you can continue doing what you’ve always done. Over the course of the next few weeks, you will see this change reflected in the documentation and other places too.

Learn more about the IBM Cloud

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