July 26, 2021 By Dean Parker 3 min read

Public cloud in your data center on flexible, fully managed infrastructure.

Cloud has helped companies transform and innovate on a scale previously unimaginable. They are able to scale up quickly, modernize critical workload applications and take advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies. However, these new advances present new challenges. While public cloud provides companies with agility and flexibility, many industries have data residency and compliance restrictions with which to contend. In addition to these challenges, often companies struggle with latency issues. Eighty-seven percent of enterprises realize they must shorten the distance between newly generated data and where it’s processed.

Announcing IBM Cloud Satellite Infrastructure Service (Satellite IS)

IBM Cloud Satellite Infrastructure Service (Satellite IS) is fully managed infrastructure as a service — computing, storage, networking — that IBM delivers and manages right in a client’s own data center.  

Satellite IS serves a location on which to remotely provision IBM Cloud services from the central Satellite console view. It can also be used to provision, monitor and manage cloud services and deployed applications. From that same view, client teams can monitor Satellite IS 24/7/365.

IBM Cloud Satellite is built to help both application developers and operations specialists. IBM SRE teams run over 25,000 Kubernetes clusters on behalf of clients, and the value of their expertise is difficult to estimate in an IT market with scarce Kubernetes management skills. While IBM takes care of maintaining the software underlying all Satellite services, client teams focus on application workloads that drive their business. They can deploy and transfer workloads as needed on-premises, on chosen cloud platforms and at edge locations, meaning the Satellite console provides true hybrid cloud flexibility. With IBM Cloud services — through Satellite — teams reduce the complexity of solving latency, data residency or compliance issues.

A big step towards securely and effectively modernizing applications

Satellite IS allows clients to modernize their applications safely on-premises before migrating them to the public cloud; this is especially useful if these applications have interdependencies. Stanley Wood, IBM distinguished engineer and chief technology officer of the company’s Managed Private Cloud Infrastructure as a Service offerings, was recently quoted in a CIO.com article, stating that, “IT organizations often find that legacy applications talk to each other in ways that aren’t well understood. When one application moves to the public cloud, it can throw the remaining applications into disarray.”

Satellite IS allows clients to modernize parts of their traditional application stacks in co-location with a production deployment that lives on-premises; enabling interdependencies to be carefully understood and remediated as work proceeds. When all parts of the stack have been modernized, parts of or the full application can then be holistically migrated to public cloud, as needed.    

Built-in security expertise

Satellite IS’s infrastructure is architected, built, validated, optimized and fully managed by the industry leader in managed IT services. Additionally, IBM manages all underlying software that runs the cloud services provisioned on Satellite IS. This allows clients’ IT staff to shift focus away from day-to-day management of infrastructure and software and instead dedicate most of their work to moving application experiences for business’ customers. Deployed on-premises, Satellite IS infrastructure remains safely behind clients’ firewalls, meeting relevant regulatory, privacy, residency and security requirements.

Pay for what you use

Satellite IS mirrors the flexibility and agility of public cloud service consumption — it is an operating expense, pay-per-use, as-a-service model with no long-term commitments. Clients are able to scale their capacity up and down as needed. When IBM installs the infrastructure, they install spare capacity at no extra cost, allowing clients to seamlessly increase their capacity while only paying for it when used.  

Get started

IBM Cloud Satellite Infrastructure Service brings IBM public cloud to your data center on fully managed, pay-per-use infrastructure, providing you financial and technological flexibility and allowing you to focus on your applications, not your operations. This offering is currently available on the IBM Cloud Catalog.

More information

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