March 17, 2020 By Kala Nenkova
Bill Grady
3 min read

We are proud to share an improvement in the design of the console that is currently rolling out across IBM Cloud. 

You’ll notice a few benefits based on the new design:

  • Improved consistency in the user experience (UX) across all IBM Cloud services, the platform, and IBM as a whole
  • Modernized user interface (UI) components
  • Better-branded user experience
  • Ability to deliver updates faster in the future

IBM Cloud is easier to use now that common UX patterns are being standardized across all parts of the console and IBM software. UX patterns—such as page headers, order summaries, and modals—are now more familiar and consistent because common code is being deployed from the Carbon Design System pattern library. We identified and built reusable UI patterns that are needed to make 90% of all IBM Cloud UIs, so the way you work in one part of the console is the same across all of IBM Cloud.

The Carbon Design System pattern library

Our top priority is to increase your productivity. We’ve introduced modern design updates to refresh the look and feel of the console to improve accessibility, responsiveness, and performance. The Carbon Design System is IBM’s open source design system for products and experiences. Carbon v10 enhancements include a geometric grid that underpins and provides structure for every page. Subtle motion is built into several of the new patterns to make your experience more intuitive and enjoyable.

All aspects of IBM Cloud should have the same recognizable look and feel, so this design system is now consistently used across product pages, events, and the console. Initial tests of the updated console show that it delivers more of the attributes you expect. The cloud for business is now more trustworthy, secure, and functional. 

Continually updating pages

Most parts of IBM Cloud console are through the first phase of the rollout. The next step is to fully adopt common patterns. So, you might see some inconsistency across IBM Cloud as pages are continually updated over the next month, but we expect to have most of the platform refreshed by mid-April. Check out the following example of the new system in action within the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service:



The best part is that when the new library is used across the board, all enhancements that are made to a pattern will be shared across all parts of IBM and IBM Cloud. For example, the IBM Security division just developed a new pattern in Carbon v10 and tested it for globalization and accessibility. Now, IBM Cloud can pick it up, drop it in the library, and deploy it seamlessly across 200 services. 

What’s next?

This is only the beginning for an improved UX consistency across the platform. Over the next month, you’ll see an updated login screen, dashboard, catalog, and dozens of updated services.

Get started today using IBM Cloud with the new look and feel. Let us know what you think by using the Feedback button that’s available on any page in the IBM Cloud console.

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