June 13, 2018 By Franklin Nguyen 2 min read

New virtual server configurations for all your enterprise workloads

Greater choice and flexibility, that’s what you need in your cloud infrastructure in today’s digital era of high-intensive workloads/applications. Today, we’re excited to announce the availability of three new memory optimized public virtual server configurations, which will provide greater choices for our customers to better match their memory-intensive workloads, such as in-memory database, caching, or graphics processing.

Virtual servers offer customers who want a fast, flexible and low cost cloud server solution that can be quickly provisioned.  This makes virtual servers perfect for Dev/Test, Backup and DR workloads, and less expensive for shorter term deployments — say a month or two.

The new larger configurations we’re introducing are great for enterprises that are moving workloads to the cloud and need a fast and flexible infrastructure that is quick and easy to provision – no matter how heavy the workload.

The following memory optimized configurations round out IBM Cloud’s public virtual server offering:

For customers looking for even lower prices, these servers are available at transient hourly prices as well.

In addition, customers can also choose from a variety of balanced public virtual servers which offer a blend of performance and scale – perfect for large database workloads requiring high / low latency I/O performance.  As well as compute optimized public virtual servers which are well suited for CPU intensive workloads.

Get Started Today!

To learn more about any of the exciting capabilities announced today, please visit our virtual server ordering page, or get started with building by clicking the button below.

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