March 26, 2021 By Akil Bacchus 3 min read

Announcing Citrix DaaS for IBM Cloud.

If you’ve invested in virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) for your business, you may have found yourself operating with a rather double-edged sword. While the benefits of VDI can give your highly mobile and geographically dispersed end-users greater productivity, the complexity of hosting and managing VDI entirely within your on-premises environment can prove challenging. You may find yourself striving to improve network performance, high-availability and adequate scalability for dynamic workloads. 

To address these complexities, we’re thrilled to announce Citrix DaaS for IBM Cloud — a new joint offering from IBM and Citrix that we purposefully built for a streamlined VDI-to-cloud experience.

A new VDI-to-cloud crossover solution

Citrix DaaS for IBM Cloud is now available. Clients can use CVAD on IBM Cloud to extend their current on-premises VDI implementation or build a new VDI deployment in the public cloud.

We designed Citrix DaaS for IBM Cloud with Citrix best practices and your management needs in mind. Although the transition to the cloud doesn’t happen overnight, this new integrated solution between CVAD Service and IBM Cloud can help accelerate that timetable. Your business will be able to provide secure, digital cloud workspaces for your remote users — on any device, anytime, anywhere — with an automated solution that’s based on proven IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers.

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Citrix DaaS for IBM Cloud at-a-glance

  • Administrators will benefit from our guided experience to deploy a CVAD Service resource location on IBM Cloud in one step.
  • Virtual app and desktop workloads run on dedicated hardware powered by a Citrix Hypervisor.
  • Business partners can extend the automated deployment and deliver a managed VDI service to their customers by providing implementation and management services.
  • Geographically dispersed end-users benefit from IBM Cloud’s global reach through the highly available IBM Cloud network of data centers available in 19 countries on six continents.

How are Citrix and IBM Cloud reducing VDI-to-cloud migration and integration challenges?

  1. Citrix DaaS for IBM Cloud provides a guided sizing tool to help optimize your CVAD workloads for specific end-user profiles (e.g., task worker, knowledge worker and power user) and cost (consumption billing per month). When provisioning the IBM Cloud infrastructure, we do the heavy lifting upfront, providing you with a functioning CVAD resource location to migrate or integrate your on-premises workloads.
  2. Citrix DaaS for IBM Cloud provides a streamlined onboarding process. We connect your IBM Cloud infrastructure to the Citrix Cloud so you can manage your CVAD infrastructure in a unified view, whether it is located on-premises or in the IBM Cloud. Admins can manage their CVAD workloads using the intuitive consoles within Citrix Cloud.

Tap into cloud economics with your VDI

Migrating VDI to a scalable public cloud can provide savings. Citrix DaaS for IBM Cloud can help reduce IT overhead by offloading the management responsibility of core components (control, access layers) on to the cloud provider. Plus, the transparent pricing IBM Cloud stands by helps clients plan their future quarters with more clarity.   

Extending or migrating your VDI environment with Citrix DaaS for IBM Cloud can provide breakthrough gains in consistent cost savings, helpful standardizing of capabilities/sessions and seamless hybrid integration with your existing on-premises environments.

Citrix DaaS for IBM Cloud is available today. Get started with a 1000 USD credit towards deploying Citrix DaaS for IBM Cloud. Use promo code “CVAD1000” at checkout. Once applied, the promotion will expire after two months or once the 1000 USD is reached. Available to new and existing IBM Cloud accounts.

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Learn more

To learn more about Citrix technologies on IBM Cloud, please visit the following pages:

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