May 17, 2021 By Jeffrey Palmer < 1 min read

The estimated market size for AIOps is $1.5 billion, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 15% between 2020 and 2025.

If you’re a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) or IT Operations (ITOps) professional, there’s a good chance that your organization is considering an investment in an AIOps solution to improve the analysis and insights across the application lifecycle. 

Obviously, an investment into an AIOps solution is significant and requires thorough analysis. Getting answers to questions (like the ones below) is a first step towards making an informed decision:

The Gartner Market Guide for AIOps

Read the Gartner Market Guide for AIOps to understand key market trends, use cases and recommendations to improve ITOps, DevOps and SRE practices.

The Gartner Market Guide for AIOps also explores multiple categories of deeper interest (e.g., data ingestion and handling, machine learning (ML) analytics and incident remediation) and iterates the importance of automation, knowledge management and change analysis.

It’s worth noting that in future editions of this market guide, Gartner will only focus on domain-agnostic AIOps vendors — which includes IBM.

AIOps means being more proactive, productive and collaborative

As Gartner notes, “there is no future of IT Operations that does not include AIOps.”

Once you understand the AIOps market, learn how IBM can help your ITOps team spend more time on initiatives that drive your business.

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