Organizations can gain outsized results by using robotic process automation with other automation technologies. As a result, many companies are betting big on automation and the impact it can have across all aspects of their business operations. In fact, according to Forrester 40 percent of enterprises are centering their digital transformation journey around automation. For many enterprises, robotic process automation (RPA) is a solid first step towards digitizing operations and improving business value.

Because today’s knowledge workers spend far too much time performing repetitive tasks like copying and entering data across disjointed systems, RPA has the potential to provide an immediate, meaningful impact. By integrating RPA bots to automate these types of tasks, organizations are able to increase operational speed and reduce copy-and-paste errors across systems. As a result, employees are free to focus on higher-value work, helping to increase overall efficiency and employee productivity.

RPA+ in action: Banco Popular drastically improved process completion times with automation

For example, Banco Popular one of the largest banks in Puerto Rico deployed the IBM Robotic Process Automation with Automation Anywhere solution to automate manual repetitive tasks and processes, greatly decreasing process times and freeing employees to focus more on value-added activities. Their example shows the immense business value that can be created when bots and employees seamlessly work or perform tasks alongside each other.

“The results that we’ve seen have been pretty positive,” shared Luis Benitez, Vice President of Digital Workplace at Banco Popular. “We’re aiming, by the end of the year, to record about USD 10 million in savings just by automating the processes that we’ve identified so far.”

Watch the following video to learn how Banco Popular was able to take a complicated process and decrease its process completion times by 90 percent (i.e. from about 10 minutes to about 10 seconds).

The next level of RPA bots: Extending the IBM partnership with Automation Anywhere

To unlock even greater value from their RPA investments, organizations are now seeking to incorporate RPA into their broader automation plans and use their bots in conjunction with other technologies such as workflow, decision and data capture automation.

To help clients move toward intelligently automating all their business operations, IBM and Automation Anywhere have extended their partnership. The expanded agreement provides for advanced integrations and enables both companies to help clients deploy leading RPA technology using the Automation Anywhere intelligent RPA platform in conjunction with the IBM Automation Platform for Digital Business to automate more types of work.

IBM RPA with Automation Anywhere uses the platform to augment task automation with additional automation capabilities. This collaboration enables RPA to orchestrate workflows, integrate with business rules and decisions, manage content and capture data. The planned integration will also bring accelerated value to the more than 8,000 customers currently using the IBM platform and RPA from Automation Anywhere.

As part of the extended agreement, IBM will feature bots in the Automation Anywhere Bot Store, which is the industry’s first online marketplace for preconfigured downloadable RPA bots. Further, IBM Services will deploy new RPA services that advance the adoption of software bots.

Learn more about IBM Robotic Process Automation with Automation Anywhere.

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