Today, we are excited to announce the IBM Watson Assistant integration with Segment. 

This integration connects the powerful AI of IBM Watson Assistant with the infrastructure of Twilio Segment, the leading Customer Data Platform. With this integration, customers can send data from Watson Assistant to over 150 third-party destinations for analysis, giving clients a much deeper understanding of the customer care needs of their end-users. 

The integration also means virtual agents built with Watson Assistant can deliver deeper personalization, better recommendations, proactive advice and optimized messaging and tone for each individual end customer. It’s a key feature enabling virtual agents to converse more naturally, show more empathy and anticipate needs — while remaining easy to set up, maintain and scale. 

The Segment integration is available now through the Watson Assistant Enterprise plan. 

More powerful analysis and personalization

Segment is the leading Customer Data Platform, according to the latest CDP Market Share report from market analyst firm IDC. The platform offers developers and non-technical line-of-business owners an easy way to assess their first-party data by collecting the millions of behavioral, personal and cross-channel data points a business generates in real-time, simultaneously, for every end-user. After Segment cleans and synthesizes the data, the platform can then connect to the hundreds of analytics, raw data and warehouse tools housed in their integration catalog:

That’s why Watson Assistant is tapping Segment to gather data generated by millions of daily conversations between customers and virtual agents. Through Segment, this data can be sent to dozens of standalone platforms to unlock a treasure trove of insights. For example, data can be sent to Adobe Analytics or Mixpanel to build sophisticated conversion funnels for ongoing campaign management. Or it can be sent to raw storage services like Amazon S3 for longer-term behavior and product analysis. The Watson Assistant integration with Segment can access the entire destination catalog, allowing dozens of standalone tools to take unprecedented advantage of customer interactions with Watson Assistant.

With Watson Assistant and Segment, companies can now build a unified view of customers using multiple channels. For example, several customers use Watson Assistant to build a virtual agent to handle web chats and another to answer phone calls. With Segment, it becomes easier to understand a user’s interactions across channels, to ensure a seamless customer experience.

Easy to start

The integration between Watson Assistant Enterprise and Segment is simple:

  • Choose the Segment integration in Watson Assistant and set up your first Segment account.
    • Already have a Segment account? Follow instructions under Existing Account.
  • Create a Watson Assistant Source in Segment and copy the API/Write Key.
  • Add the API Key to the Segment integration in Watson Assistant and complete set up.
  • Now data from Watson Assistant can flow to your favorite tools! Just add any of the 150+ analytics, warehouse and RAW data tools in Segment’s integrations catalog.

The process is code free and takes just a few minutes. 

Learn more about Segment or contact an IBM representative to get started today.

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