July 19, 2019 By Charles Comiskey 3 min read

Applications and workloads run everywhere, and compliance is critical.

IBM Log Analysis with LogDNA and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker with LogDNA have several exciting announcements to share:

  • Services are available in London and Tokyo
  • Services in Frankfurt are now available as EU-Managed
  • Cloud Service endpoint support is available in all regions

Adding to the list of multi-zone regions

IBM, partnering with LogDNA, continues to rapidly expand the number of IBM Cloud-hosted multi-zone locations for Log Analysis with LogDNA and Activity Tracker with LogDNA.  Services are offered now in the London and Tokyo locations. These locations build upon the existing Dallas and Frankfurt regions. 

IBM and LogDNA partnering in data responsibility: EU-Managed

Every enterprise is responsible for protecting its data; this includes knowing who has access to it and when. Clients may be under regulatory requirements to keep data restricted to the EU at all times, managed from within the EU, and managed by EU citizens. 

IBM is committed to Data Responsibility, working with clients to accomplish these needs. As such, IBM and LogDNA collaborated to enable IBM’s EU-Managed program on Log Analysis with LogDNA and Activity Tracker with LogDNA services located in Frankfurt.

With the EU-supported program, IBM and LogDNA have implemented controls to ensure access to client content (including client personal data and special personal data) is restricted to (and controlled by) EU-based employees only.

Clients who have already set their cloud account settings to EU-Managed will automatically realize this feature’s benefits. Clients wishing to start taking advantage of this feature can enable the setting by consulting the documentation.  

Learn more about IBM’s EU-Managed abilities from the following resources:

Cloud Service endpoints to keep data on internal networks

In addition to our location announcements, effectively immediately, we are offering another way to forward log data to Log Analysis with LogDNA: Cloud Service endpoint support. Cloud Service endpoints enable IBM Cloud clients running workloads in Cloud accounts or from Virtual Private Cloud environments to keep log traffic entirely within IBM Cloud networks, preventing the traffic from crossing or touching the Internet en-route to the destination. Clients may also experience cost-savings by avoiding network egress fees.

The introduction of Cloud Service endpoints is an addition to existing public endpoints, allowing you to choose which log collection endpoint best meets your application and business needs.

When these instructions are followed, logs can be configured to route to special private data ingestion endpoint locations, keeping logs originating from your IBM Cloud-hosted environments on IBM internal networks. Cloud Service endpoint locations exist for each of the four locations supported today.

Enterprise-grade logging to help you ride the digital transformation wave

Digital transformation may present challenges for enterprises. Data originates from complex, dispersed environments and is increasingly within the scope of regulatory compliance and privacy policies. Application availability is critical.

Log Analysis with LogDNA empowers clients with a central log management solution to navigate through these challenges. The service enables clients to do the following:

  • Manage large amounts of data from dispersed environments with automatic ingestion from many popular sources or with custom parsing rules. 
  • Identify and pinpoint production issues more quickly with multi-channel alerts, real time log tail and filtering, or through LogDNA’s intuitive query language for fast search results.
  • Scale mission-critical applications with flexible log retention, pricing per GB of logs, automated archive, and with security and compliance.

Try us today

Take a moment today to try the services. Both IBM Log Analysis with LogDNA and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker with LogDNA have Lite service plans that enable you to visualize logs or events through the service.

Control the data that is important to your application and operations by using filters to retain the valuable data and squelch the noise. Upgrade to premium plans to automate with multi-channel alerts and retain the valuable data for 7, 14, or 30 days of search.

Learn more about IBM Log Analysis with LogDNA.

Learn more about IBM Cloud Activity Tracker with LogDNA.

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