The beta of IBM Data Replication on Cloud — the next-gen replication beta that is delivered as a service on the IBM Cloud platform — is landing in Q3 2021.

In case you’ve missed out on IBM’s plans for replication on cloud, the beta of IBM Data Replication on Cloud (with planned 2022 GA) is intended to address on-premises-to-cloud and cloud-to-cloud real-time, low-impact replication use cases — the types that are increasingly being seen in customer conversations for enriching big data systems and mobile applications.

Until now, enterprises have had to install, maintain and update the resources on the IT infrastructure needed to manage their data replication workloads, either on-premises or on the cloud.Moreover, pricing was based on the size of the sources, targets or both. So, organizations only replicating a subset of the data within a source (say 2 out of 400 tables), would still end up paying for the overall size of the source. Next-gen replication is set to change that.

Benefits of a fully managed data replication service on the cloud

IBM’s vision for data replication on cloud is to provide a fully managed cloud service, helping customers to focus on their business by eliminating the need to build and maintain infrastructure. Customers could scale their service up or down to support their changing business needs, reduce operational costs due to in-place upgrades and take advantage of pricing that is based on the volume of data being transferred. To illustrate this point, the new service, on average, could save 10% – 30% of licensing costs for many customers, compared to existing license models.

IBM Data Replication on Cloud will rapidly evolve to support captures from Oracle (on-premises); Db2® for z/OS®; Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows; Oracle RDS on Amazon; Db2 on IBM Cloud; and targets like Snowflake and Redshift on Amazon and the Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Simply put, it will be a one-stop-shop for an “any” to “any” real-time data replication solution.

Register today for the beta of IBM Data Replication on Cloud

What sources and targets will the beta support?

Initially, IBM Data Replication on Cloud will be looking to deliver the following:


  • PostgreSQL (Amazon RDS)
  • Db2 on IBM Cloud
  • PostgreSQL on IBM Cloud


  • Db2 Warehouse on IBM Cloud, AWS and Azure
  • Kafka on IBM Cloud, AWS and Azure

What are the benefits of participating in the beta program?

The beta of IBM Data Replication on Cloud is intended to provide a first look at what’s coming and give participants the chance to shape the future of IBM data replication via their feedback, ideas and domain expertise. Ideally, we are looking for customers with on-premises-to-public cloud or cloud-to-cloud data replication needs who can spare a minimum of one hour to collaborate with us.

Depending on where we are in the product development cycle, collaboration can vary from a discussion and review of a demo with core members of our product team to the start of test driving the software in Q3 2021 and answering a survey on the user experience.

Why replication?

Data replication is a capability that provides trusted data integration and synchronization across organizations. It supports high volumes of data transfer with very low latency and does so with minimal impact by capturing data from database logs and only transferring and applying necessary data.

IBM Data Replication on Cloud is intended to provide an easy to use and fully managed cloud native service. Compared to existing on-premises data replication technologies, it delivers similar core capabilities — such as providing low-impact log-based captures — as well as real-time replication capabilities.

But IBM Data Replication on Cloud also goes beyond existing data replication technologies. Planned new capabilities include integration with IBM Watson® Studio and IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog, a simplified user interface and support for heterogeneous DDL replication.

How do I sign up?

So what are you waiting for? As word has gotten out about the beta, we already have customers raising their hand to participate. Avoid the FOMO and sign up for the beta program now to help shape the next generation of IBM data replication. Sign up at the registration link below. 

Register today for the beta of IBM Data Replication on Cloud

For more information, contact Eric Su at

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