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Accelerating IBM with IBM Storage Fusion HCI System
Organizations that are expanding from AI pilot projects to full-scale production systems typically need a set of tools for building and deploying foundation models, a container-based application platform, software-defined storage, and hardware on which to run it all.
This IBM Redpaper describes the IBM solution for running IBM on-premise, with IBM Storage Fusion HCI providing an appliance-based hosting platform, and IBM Storage Ceph providing cloud-scale object storage. The main purpose of this Redpaper publication shows how to set up the Storage Acceleration feature (only available on IBM Storage Fusion HCI System) so IBM queries can benefit from a shareable on-premise high-performance cache acceleration.
I don't want to provide any input at this time, but let me download the publication anyway.
Accelerating IBM with IBM Storage Fusion HCI System
Organizations that are expanding from AI pilot projects to full-scale production systems typically need a set of tools for building and deploying foundation models, a container-based application platform, software-defined storage, and hardware on which to run it all.
This IBM Redpaper describes the IBM solution for running IBM on-premise, with IBM Storage Fusion HCI providing an appliance-based hosting platform, and IBM Storage Ceph providing cloud-scale object storage. The main purpose of this Redpaper publication shows how to set up the Storage Acceleration feature (only available on IBM Storage Fusion HCI System) so IBM queries can benefit from a shareable on-premise high-performance cache acceleration.
I don't want to provide any input at this time, but let me download the publication anyway.