Tentang kuki situs ini Situs kami memerlukan beberapa kuki agar berfungsi dengan baik (diwajibkan). Selain itu, kuki lain dapat digunakan dengan persetujuan Anda untuk menganalisis penggunaan situs, meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna, serta untuk keperluan periklanan. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat opsi Anda. Dengan mengunjungi situs web kami, Anda menyetujui pemrosesan informasi kami sebagaimana dijelaskan dalampernyataan privasi IBM. Untuk memberikan navigasi yang lancar, preferensi kuki Anda akan dibagikan di seluruh domain situs web IBM yang tercantum di sini.
IBM Aspera on Cloud
Mulai uji coba 14 hari Anda
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Alur kerja hybrid cloud
Bangun alur kerja yang sangat terukur dan berjalan secara on premises, di cloud, atau keduanya.
Apa yang termasuk dalam uji coba gratis?
Akses gratis hingga 14 hari ke IBM Aspera on Cloud Advanced edition dan volume transfer 50GB, mana saja yang lebih dulu tercapai.
IBM Aspera on Cloud
Mulai uji coba 14 hari Anda
- Berbagi file besar
Percepat kolaborasi pada big data dan file besar dengan tim di seluruh dunia.
Pertukaran aset yang amanJaga keamanan data Anda dengan enkripsi menyeluruh bawaan, integrasi SAML, dan banyak lagi.
Alur kerja hybrid cloudBangun alur kerja yang sangat terukur dan berjalan secara on premises, di cloud, atau keduanya.
Apa yang termasuk dalam uji coba gratis?Akses gratis hingga 14 hari ke IBM Aspera on Cloud Advanced edition dan volume transfer 50GB, mana saja yang lebih dulu tercapai.
About your IBMid Account
By creating, or using, an IBMid to access an IBM Web site or other service, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the below terms, in addition to the terms in the IBM Terms of Use, the IBM Privacy Agreement and the “About your IBMid Account Privacy“ section of this notice provide details on how IBM protects your personal data.
Most IBMid accounts are individual IDs, meaning you manage your own account information and access your account through the IBMid login service (i.e. IBMid is the authenticating agency).
If your account is created using an email address containing a domain owned by an organization which you are employed by, contracted to, or volunteer for, your organization can:
- inquire about the status of your ID
- request your account settings (including your personal information)
- at its option, convert it to an enterprise ID.
If your account was created as (or is converted to) an enterprise ID, your organization manages your account information. It is also the authenticating agency for your ID, meaning your access is controlled by your organization’s login service.
This notice provides information about accessing your IBMid user account (Account).
We collect Basic Personal Data from you, and we are the “Controller” of this data. This includes your user ID, name, email address, country, and related information you may provide (for example, your mailing address). We also collect information about your network connection(s) to us, such as your IP Address. If we require more personal data, we will notify you. Where appropriate, you may select your preference(s) for using your data. For full information about how we use your personal data, refer to our Privacy Statement.
We need your Basic Personal Data to support our Legitimate Interests in enabling you to create and use an IBMid. This allows you to access applications and services, and to manage your Account settings and preferences. It also lets us record your access to comply with security and audit requirements, and to utilize automatically generated, unique identifiers which assure your correct profile data is available to applications or services.
To provide the above capabilities, we will only collect personal data that is needed.
If you do not want us to use your Basic Personal Data as described above, you have the option of not using your IBMid, or even asking us to delete your IBMid.
IBM obtains your data when your IBMid is created, either:
- When you enter your Basic Personal Data or
- If your IBMid is created through an Enterprise Federation Partner (Identity Provider), when your Basic Personal Data collected from the Identity Partner is shared with IBM.
You may have used the IBM Profile Editor to update or add to your Basic Personal Data.
Your IP Address is obtained when you make a network connection to us.
This is how IBMid uses your Basic Personal Data:
- To uniquely identify you, and to supply your authenticated identity to IBM or third party applications and services;
- To communicate with you about your IBMid;
- To perform security/audit logging, including in conjunction with your IP Address;
- To perform problem determination, system administration, usage tracking, and support activities; and
- To set secure cookies which maintain your authenticated user session.
Applications and services may use your Basic Personal Data:
- To uniquely identify you;
- To communicate with you about your Account status;
- To authorize your level of access;
- To reflect your Basic Personal Data to you (for example, an on-screen greeting);
- To perform security/audit logging, including in conjunction with your IP Address;
- To perform problem determination, system administration, subscription management, usage tracking, and support activities; and
- To set secure cookies which maintain your authenticated user session(s) with applications or services.
IBM may use IBMers or selected partners to process your Basic Personal Data for problem determination, system administration, usage tracking, and support activities. These individuals may reside in any country where IBM conducts business.
Applications or services which use your Basic Personal Data for different purposes than those above will provide you with notification, or when appropriate, an opportunity to consent to such use.
If you do not wish your Basic Personal Data to be used for the above purposes, you have the option of not using your IBMid, or even asking us to delete your IBMid.
For the Legitimate Interests explained above under “Why we need your data”, your Basic Personal Data is protected in these ways:
- When appropriate, we use secure communications and storage to protect your personal data from unauthorized access or disclosure.
- We require applications or services which use your personal data for purposes other than those described here to justify those uses, provide appropriate notice, and where applicable, allow you to consent to such usage.
IBM will keep your Basic Personal Data while you have an active IBMid. If you choose to delete your IBMid, we will delete your Basic Personal Data and other personal data which may be associated with your IBMid, but data already present in security or audit logs, support records, or business transaction records, may be retained for those purposes. Our retention policies determine how long we will retain this data. For additional information regarding data retention, refer to our Privacy Statement.
Our Privacy Statement provides more information about your personal data rights. It also provides contact information if you have questions or concerns regarding our handling of your personal data.
I acknowledge that I understand how IBM is using my Basic Personal Data and (if applicable) how my organization may become the authenticating agency for my IBMid account. I certify that my age is at least the age of consent for my country of residence.
[Last updated: 2021-10-18]