IBM Support

Performance Data Investigator in Navigator for i



Performance Data Investigator (PDI) is available in the re-created IBM Navigator for i.
This document is your guide to the new interface and PDI functions within it for the first release 2H2021.


You are in: IBM i Technology Updates > Performance Tools > Performance on the web > Performance Data Investigator in Navigator for i

This Performance section has the following functions in the re-created Navigator for i:
For a list of functions provided in future releases, see: Future enhancements list
For details of changes for PDI in the heritage Navigator, see this link: https://

Find the Performance task by the circular chart icon on the left navigation:
Performance Task list in IBM Navigator for i

Investigate Data
The Investigate Data action brings you to the Perspectives List for all packages loaded on this GUI node. 
Instead of the tree view, you are presented a sorted list, which can be customized according to your preferences.  The default first view is to show only the Collection Services package. 
The Context section at the top can be modified to quickly change the Collection library, graph interval, and collection name before selecting to view a perspective.  Select your collection first.  When you click the perspective name, it launches to those views for the selected collection and uses the selected graph interval for display.
Investigate Data page with Package Name drop down shown
Features to notice on this Perspectives List page:
  • Select and deselect packages to change the list of the perspectives shown
  • Hover over a perspective to view the location hierarchy information
  • The columns can be customized by the triple-dot icon on the right of the column headers
  • The Full SQL can be displayed and copied.  The alias information is provided in comments within the SQL to help you create the correct aliases to run the query successfully.
  • This page functions as the full search feature by providing every field to search (SQL, metrics & views list, titles)
  • The selected fields of the table are saved in your preferences.  So when you return to Investigate Data after launching to a chart, they are restored. 
Notes on PML package location: PDI now loads the PML packages from the managing node.  Previously, original Navigator loaded the PML from the target system.  Any custom charts you want to use need to be in the IFS directory where created on that managing node.  Custom perspective functionality is not available on this version of Navigator for i.
The charts look and function similar to the Dojo charts provided with the updates from 2020.
Reference the Packages & Perspectives page for information on drilldown handling for required selection.
PDI chart - CPU Utilization for Job User Profiles
The General Health Indicators warning and action thresholds are displayed with the tooltips:
General Health Indicators chart with tooltips displayed

Graph History - Summary & Details
Graph History looks and functions similar to the original:
Graph History charts will Top Contributors and Properties panels

Manage Collections
Manage Collections
Actions available today:
  • Delete
  • Move
  • Copy
  • Properties
Collection Actions panel is enhanced for efficiency and usability.  It is easy to perform actions on multiple collections at one time with clarity:
Move Collection Action
The Properties panel is enhanced to show all pertinent collection information on one page:
Collection Properties panel

Collection Services Configuration
The Configuration panel is enhanced for ease of use.  The settings are regrouped with their related settings.  The tab sections are similar:
  • General
  • Data to Collect
  • System Monitor Data
  • Historical Data
The retention settings for each collection type (standard, system monitor and historical) are found in the tab for other configuration settings for that type.
General Tab
Collection services configuration
  • The status is shown here on the configuration panel
  • Stop, start, or cycle the Collector from this panel
  • View all properties for Collection Services in one place with the Properties button
Collection Services Properties panel
Data to Collect tab
  • The predefined profiles display the list of categories that are collected by each setting when selected
  • When selecting a custom profile, you can start with a predefined profile so no important metrics are missed
  • Configure each metric to the custom intervals
Configuration data to collect
System Monitor Data tab
  • Option to turn on system monitor collection is now on this tab with other settings for System Monitors
  • System Monitor retention settings are also found here
  • The default system monitor categories setting provides a list of what is collected for default settings
  • Customized collection intervals are easy to change
  • "Reset System monitor Collection Interval" can quickly return the system collection intervals back to the default settings without the manual steps that were required previously.
Configure System Monitor data collection panel
Reset System Monitor Collection Interval button performs the steps needed to reset the collection intervals and prevent the Collector from continuing to collect at smaller intervals
Reset system monitor collection interval button
  1. Turn off system monitoring
  2. Set collection frequency for all system monitor categories back to one minute
  3. Optionally cycle the collector to have this change take effect immediately
Historical Data tab
  • Option to turn on historical data collection is now on this tab with other settings for historical data
  • Set the collection interval as well as detail data top contributors all in one place
  • Historical data retention settings are also found here with other configuration settings for historical data
Historical Data tab

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB68","label":"Power HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000CKnAAM","label":"Performance-\u003ETools"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.3.0;7.4.0;and future releases"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 May 2024

