Uninstalling IBM Cloud Pak foundational services in an airgap environment

Uninstall IBM Cloud Pak foundational services in your cluster that has no Internet connectivity.

Run the following commands to uninstall foundational services:

  1. Uninstall the catalog source.

    cloudctl case launch \
     --case ./ \
     --inventory ibmCommonServiceOperatorSetup \
     --action uninstall-catalog \
     --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
     --args "--registry <IP_or_FQDN_of_your_local_registry>:5000 --user admin --pass admin"
  2. Uninstall the foundational services operators.

    cloudctl case launch \
     --case ./ \
     --inventory ibmCommonServiceOperatorSetup \
     --action uninstall-operator \
     --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
     --args "--registry <IP_or_FQDN_of_your_local_registry>:5000 --user admin --pass admin"
  3. Verify that the CatalogSource is removed.

    oc get pods -n openshift-marketplace
    oc get catalogsource -n openshift-marketplace
  4. Verify that the foundational services are removed.

    oc get pod -n ${NAMESPACE}