IBM Cloud Pak foundational services versions compatibility

IBM Cloud Pak foundational services versions 3.2.2 through 3.2.4 store Kubernetes secrets and configmaps in the kube-system and kube-public namespaces. IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Version 3.4.0 and higher store Kubernetes secrets and configmaps in the ibm-common-services namespace. The SecretShare operator that is available in foundational services version 3.4.0 and higher, copies the secrets and configmaps from the ibm-common-services namespace to the kube-system and kube-public namespaces to provide compatibility with an earlier version.

About the SecretShare operator

SecretShare is an Ansible operator that is used to share secrets and configmaps between namespaces. The operator watches secrets and configmaps in a namespace, copies the ones that are specified in the SecretShare Custom Resource (CR) to other namespaces, and optionally, to other names in those namespaces.

SecretShare CR

In the following example, a SecretShare CR named common-services is created in the ibm-common-services namespace.

kind: SecretShare
  name: common-services
  namespace: ibm-common-services
  - secretname: icp-management-ingress-tls-secret
    - namespace: kube-system
    - namespace: kube-system
      name: route-tls-secret
  - configmapname: ibmcloud-cluster-info
    - namespace: kube-system

The operator watches for the secrets and configmaps that are specified in the CR in the ibm-common-services namespace. It then copies them to their target namespaces. When the original secrets and configmaps are updated, the operator updates the copies in the target namespaces.

Consider the example CR. When you create the CR, the operator completes the following actions if or when it finds the secret or configmap:

Note: The operator watches the SecretShare CR and all secrets and configmaps. So, any change in any of these secrets or configmaps makes the CR to re-evaluate and copy the changes as needed.

Note: If the target namespace does not exist, the SecretShare operator creates the namespace before it copies the secret or configmap.

Installing the SecretShare operator

By default, the ibm-common-service-operator installs the SecretShare operator and deploys the following default CR:

kind: SecretShare
  name: common-services
  namespace: ibm-common-services
  # Secrets to share for adopter compatibility to foundational services 3.2.4
  - secretname: icp-metering-api-secret
    - namespace: kube-system
  - secretname: oauth-client-secret
    - namespace: services
  - secretname: ibmcloud-cluster-ca-cert
    - namespace: kube-public
  # ConfigMaps to share for adopter compatibility to foundational services 3.2.4
  - configmapname: oauth-client-map
    - namespace: services
  - configmapname: ibmcloud-cluster-info
    - namespace: kube-public

You can update the CR as required. Run the following command to edit the CR:

oc edit SecretShare common-services