cloudctl case and corresponding ibm-pak commands

In foundational services version 3.22, the cloudctl case command is deprecated and replaced with ibm-pak plug-in. Support for the cloudctl case command will be removed in a future release.

The following table shows the corresponding commands of ibm-pak to be used in place of cloudctl case:

Table 1. cloudctl case commands and corresponding ibm-pak commands
Action Before Now
Interim Registry cloudctl case launch --action init-registry not required
cloudctl case launch --action start-registry not required
cloudctl case launch --action stop-registry not required
Credentials cloudctl case launch --action configure-creds-airgap podman or docker login
Retrieve Cases cloudctl case save oc ibm-pak get
Identify Images oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests
Mirror Images cloudctl cases launch --action mirror-images oc image mirror
Configure Cluster cloudctl case launch --action configure-cluster-airgap oc apply -f image-content-source-policy.yaml & add global pull secret
Install Catalog cloudctl case launch --action install-catalog oc apply -f catalog-sources.yaml

Note: In general, all the other cloudctl case launch --action commands that are not noted in the table are also supported in the ibm-pak plug-in. For example, the following commands are supported:

The following example command shows how to install an operator with ibm-pak plug-in:

   export CASE_NAME=ibm-cp-common-services
   export CASE_VERSION=1.18.0
   export NAMESPACE=ibm-common-services
   export CASE_INVENTORY_SETUP=ibmCommonServiceOperatorSetup
   oc ibm-pak launch \
     --version $CASE_VERSION \
     --action install-operator \
     --inventory $CASE_INVENTORY_SETUP \
     --namespace $NAMESPACE \
     --tolerance 1

Therefore, with the deprecation of cloudctl case commands, you must replace cloudctl case launch with oc ibm-pak launch <case-name> --version <case-version> followed by all the other arguments that cloudctl case launch accepted.