IBM Cloud Pak foundational services backup and restore

You can schedule backup and restore of foundational services by using the Red Hat OADP (OpenShift API for Data Protection) operator. Make sure that you use the stable-1.1 channel of the OADP operator.

Note: If you are running the scripts in an air-gapped environment, you must first download the scripts from the following locations to the air-gapped environment:


Set up any Amazon S3-compatible storage. For example, you can create a bucket in IBM Cloud Object Storage. For more information, see IBM Cloud Object Storage Opens in a new tab.

When you add a service credential to the bucket, include the hash-based message authentication code (HMAC). For more information, see Service credentials Opens in a new tab. From the Cloud Object Storage navigation menu, gather the following information:

Backing up foundational services

Complete the following steps to back up the installed foundational services.

Create the backup resources

You need the following resources for completing the backup procedures.

  1. Log in to your OpenShift cluster command-line interface (CLI) by using the oc login command.

  2. Create a namespace for Velero objects. The following example creates the velero namespace. For more information about Velero, see Velero documentation Opens in a new tab.

     oc project velero
  3. Install the Red Hat OADP operator in the velero namespace. For more information, see About installing OADP Opens in a new tab.

  4. Create a secret named cloud-credentials with the access key id and secret access key credentials.

    1. Open any editor and place the following credentials in a file named credentials-velero.

       vi credentials-velero
    2. Insert the following content in the file.

    3. Create the secret.

      oc create secret generic cloud-credentials -n velero --from-file cloud=credentials-velero
  5. From your OpenShift cluster console OperatorHub page, install the OADP operator from the stable-1.1 channel, which provides the Velero 1.9 API. The API is needed for foundational services backup and restore. For more information, see Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform documentation Opens in a new tab.

  6. Create a DataProtectionApplication object.

    Note: The provider is aws even if you are not using AWS Object Storage.

kind: DataProtectionApplication
  name: <resource_name>
  namespace: velero
    - velero:
          profile: default
          region: <bucket_region>
          s3ForcePathStyle: 'true'
          s3Url: <s3_URL>
          key: cloud
          name: cloud-credentials
        default: true
          bucket: <bucket_name>
          prefix: <root_directory_name>
        provider: aws
      enable: true
        - openshift
        - aws
            cpu: '1'
            memory: 1Gi
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 512Mi

Add labels to resources

You need to label the currently installed resources to identify them during restoration.

Before you begin, set the namespace where you installed foundational services as the default namespace.

oc project <namespace-where-foundational services-are-installed>
oc label catalogsource ibm-operator-catalog -n openshift-marketplace --overwrite=true
oc label subscription ibm-common-service-operator --overwrite=true
oc label secret ibm-entitlement-key --overwrite=true
oc label secret pull-secret -n openshift-config --overwrite=true
oc label namespace <namespace-where-foundational services-are-installed> --overwrite=true
oc label operandrequests common-service --overwrite=true
oc label operandconfig common-service --overwrite=true

Back up MongoDB

Set up the MongoDB backup deployment. The deployment triggers and holds the MongoDB database backup. In the event of a restore, the deployment triggers the restore of the MongoDB database as well.

  1. Get the mongodb-backup-pvc.yaml and mongodb-backup-deployment.yaml files. Place them in the same directory.

  2. Update the backup files.

    By default, the mongodb-backup-pvc.yaml file is set up to run in the ibm-common-services namespace and to use the ibmc-block-retain-gold storage class. Replace the following parameters, as needed:

    • Replace ibm-common-services with the namespace where the MongoDB deployment that foundational services uses is running.
    • Replace the StorageClassName with either the storage class that MongoDB deployment uses, or with any storage class that has Retain ReclaimPolicy.
  3. Add the PVC to the cluster.

     oc apply -f mongodb-backup-pvc.yaml
  4. Add the deployment to the cluster.

     oc apply -f mongodb-backup-deployment.yaml

Back up Zen MetastoreDB

The instructions to back up the Zen metastoreDB are based on the assumption that the Platform UI (Zen) is installed in the same namespace as foundational services. If that is not the case, then use the namespace where Platform UI is installed in the following commands.

  1. Get the zen_backup_pvc.yaml and zen-backup-deployment.yaml files.

  2. Update the backup files.

    By default, the zen-backup-pvc.yaml file is set up to run in the ibm-common-services namespace and to use the ibmc-block-retain-gold storage class. You must replace the following parameters, as needed:

    • Replace ibm-common-services with the namespace where the Zen service is deployed.
    • Replace the StorageClassName with either the storage class that zen-metastoredb deployment uses, or with any storage class that has Retain ReclaimPolicy.
  3. Create the PVC.

     oc apply -f zen-backup-pvc.yaml
  4. Add the Zen backup deployment to the cluster.

     oc apply -f zen-backup-deployment.yaml

Create a backup resource

Create a backup resource for the velero namespace.

  1. Get the schedule-common-services.yaml file.

  2. Update the schedule-common-services.yaml file based on your backup requirements. For more information, see Velero Schedule API Type Opens in a new tab. By default, the backup runs once a day and is deleted 48 hours later.

    The following configurations in the schedule-common-services.yaml file are important:

    • schedule:, which is a CRON expression. CRON uses the server time, which is usually the Coordinated Universal Time unless configured to be something else.
    • ttl, which is the time to live for the backup.
    • storageLocation, which is the same storage location that you used when you set up OADP.
    • velero, which is the namespace where you installed OADP.
  3. Create the resource.

     oc apply -f schedule-common-services.yaml
  4. Verify whether the backup schedule ran.

     velero schedule get

After the first scheduled time passes, you can verify whether the backup ran. Look for a schedule name and timestamp.

velero backup get

Restoring foundational services

Complete the following steps to restore foundational services.

Before you restore foundational services, set up Velero on the new cluster. Follow the instructions in the Create the backup resources section.

  1. Restore the foundational services namespace by using the restore-namespace.yaml file.

    1. Get the name of the Velero backup that you plan to use for restoring.

       velero backup get

      Replace __BACKUP_NAME__ in the following commands with the Velero backup name.

    2. Get the namespace restore resource.

    3. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-namespace.yaml
    4. Restore the namespace.

       oc apply -f restore-namespace.yaml

      You can check the progress of the restore by using the following command. Proceed with the next step after the status shows as Completed.

       velero restore get
    5. Verify whether the namespace is restored. Your namespace must be listed in the command output.

       oc get namespace

      Proceed with the next step after the namespace is restored.

    6. Change the default project to the restored namespace.

       oc project <namespace-where-foundational services-are-installed>
  2. Restore the entitlement key.

    1. Get the entitlement key restore resource.

    2. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-entitlementkey.yaml
    3. Restore the entitlement key.

       oc apply -f restore-entitlementkey.yaml
    4. Check restore progress. Proceed with the next step after restore is complete.

       velero restore get
    5. Verify whether the entitlement key is restored.

       oc get secret
  3. Restore the pull secret.

    1. Save the current pull secret.

       oc get secret pull-secret -n openshift-config -o yaml > original-pull-secret.yaml
    2. Delete the current pull secret from the openshift-config namespace.

       oc delete secret pull-secret -n openshift-config
    3. Get the pull secret restore resource.

    4. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-pull-secret.yaml
    5. Restore the pull secret.

       oc apply -f restore-pull-secret.yaml
    6. Check restore progress. Proceed with the next step after restore is complete.

       velero restore get
    7. Verify whether the pull secret is restored.

       oc get secret -n openshift-config | grep pull
  4. Restore the catalog.

    1. Get the catalog restore resource.

    2. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-catalog.yaml
    3. Restore the catalog.

       oc apply -f restore-catalog.yaml
    4. Check restore progress. Proceed with the next step after restore is complete.

       velero restore get
    5. Verify whether the catalogsource is restored.

       oc get catalogsource -n openshift-marketplace | grep ibm
    6. Verify whether the ibm-operator-catalog pod is running.

       oc get pod -n openshift-marketplace | grep ibm-operator-catalog | grep Running

      If the pod is running, proceed with the next step.

  5. Restore the operatorgroup.

    1. Get the operatorgroup restore resource.

    2. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-operatorgroup.yaml
    3. Restore the operatorgroup.

       oc apply -f restore-operatorgroup.yaml
    4. Check restore progress. Proceed with the next step after restore is complete.

       velero restore get
    5. Verify whether the operatorgroup is restored.

       oc get operatorgroup
  6. Restore the subscriptions.

    1. Get the subscriptions restore resource.

    2. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-subscriptions.yaml
    3. Restore the subscriptions.

       oc apply -f restore-subscriptions.yaml
    4. Check restore progress. Proceed with the next step after restore is complete.

       velero restore get
    5. Watch the foundational services namespace for the operand-deployment-lifecycle-manager to be running.

       watch -n 10 oc get pod | grep operand-deployment-lifecycle-manager | grep Running
  7. Restore the common-service CR.

    1. Delete the current common-service CR.

       oc delete commonservices common-service
    2. Get the common-service CR restore resource.

    3. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-commonservice.yaml
    4. Restore the CR.

       oc apply -f restore-commonservice.yaml
    5. Check restore progress. Proceed with the next step after restore is complete.

       velero restore get
    6. Verify whether the commonservice is restored.

       oc get commonservice

      If the foundational services are not restored, delete the restore resource and apply it again.

      1. Delete the resource.

         oc delete -f restore-commonservice.yaml
      2. Restore the CR.

         oc apply -f restore-commonservice.yaml

        Wait for 30 seconds and check again for the CommonService resource.

  8. Restore Licensing service configmap.

    1. Get the Licensing service configmap restore resource.

    2. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-licensing.yaml
    3. Restore the configmap.

       oc apply -f restore-licensing.yaml
    4. Check restore progress. Proceed with the next step after restore is complete.

       velero restore get
    5. Verify whether the configmap is restored.

       oc get configmap | grep licensing
  9. Restore cert manager resource.

    1. Get the cert manager restore resource.

    2. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-cert-manager.yaml
    3. Restore the cert manager resource.

       oc apply -f restore-cert-manager.yaml
    4. Check restore progress. Proceed with the next step after restore is complete.

       velero restore get
    5. Verify whether the certificates are restored.

       oc get certificates
  10. Restore the OperandRequest and OperandConfig.

    1. Get the operands restore resource.

    2. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-operands.yaml
    3. Restore the operands.

       oc apply -f restore-operands.yaml
    4. Check restore progress. Proceed with the next step after restore is complete.

       velero restore get
    5. Verify whether the operands are restored.

       oc get operandrequest
       oc get operandconfig
  11. Restore Platform UI (Zen) resources.

    Note: If Zen is installed in a namespace other than the namespace where foundational services are installed, then create that namespace first.

    oc new-project <namespace-where-Zen-is-installed>
    1. Get the Zen restore resource.

    2. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-zen.yaml
    3. Restore Zen resources.

       oc apply -f restore-zen.yaml

      Wait for the Zen Service to be available. When the route with cp4d in its name is ready, then the Zen is available.

       oc get route -n <namespace-where-Zen-is-installed> | grep cpd
    4. Check restore progress. Proceed with the next step after restore is complete.

       velero restore get
    5. Verify whether the zenservice is restored.

       oc get zenservice
  12. Restore data to IAM and MongoDB data.

    1. Get the data restore resource.

    2. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-mongo-data.yaml
    3. Restore data.

       oc apply -f restore-mongo-data.yaml
    4. Verify whether the restore is complete. It might take a few minutes to restore the data to the cluster. Proceed with the next step after restore is complete.

       velero restore get
    5. Verify whether the mongodb-backup pod is running.

       oc get pod | grep mongodb-backup
  13. Restore Zen data.

    1. Get the data restore resource.

    2. Substitute the __BACKUP_NAME__ with the name of the backup resource that you created in a previous step.

       vi restore-zen-data.yaml
    3. Restore data.

       oc apply -f restore-zen-data.yaml
    4. Verify whether the restore is complete. It might take a few minutes to restore the data to the cluster. Proceed with the next step after restore is complete.

       velero restore get
    5. Verify whether the zen-backup pod is running. The pod runs in the same namespace as the zen service. You can use -n <zen-service-namespace>, if applicable, in the following command:

       oc get pod | grep zen-backup

All restoration tasks are completed.

Verify whether foundational services are properly restored.

oc get pods

All pods must be running.

oc get subscriptions

Subscriptions of all installed services must be listed.