Configuring single sign-on using OpenID Connect (OIDC)

Using OIDC, you can configure single sign-on (SSO) between your product and supported providers.

OIDC is an authentication protocol layer that is built on the top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. It allows the third-party applications to:

The following steps represent the flow that happens while configuring SSO using OIDC:

  1. A user attempts to access a service in your product through a web browser.

  2. Your product verifies whether an authentication token is present.

  3. If no authentication token is present, your product redirects the request for authentication to the third-party authorization server of the user.

  4. The authorization server presents a login page to the user.

  5. If the user logs in successfully, the authorization server redirects the user, along with the OIDC response, to your product.

  6. Your product generates an authentication token and grants access to the service that the user requested.

Configuring SSO in your product using OIDC


Before you begin

Login to any of the following platforms by using the provided IdP links and register yourself in the application. While registering use application url as cp-console url and redirect URL as https://<cp-console-url>/ibm/api/social-login/redirect/<name of the oidc>. Once you are registered, you can get the unique client ID, client secret and discovery_url endpoint. Currently, only these platforms are verified to register the OIDC by using the IdP V3 API.

Verified platforms to register OIDC provider using IdP V3
Platform IdP link
IBM Security Verify (ISV)
Note: Whenever you perform the attributes mapping through the OIDC provider in the ISV application, enable the Send all known user attributes in the ID token option. And, ISV groups must not contain spaces.
Google Cloud Platform


To configure SSO, complete the following sequence of steps:

  1. Register the OIDC clients. For more information, see Registering the OIDC clients.

  2. Open the CloudPak home page to verify whether the OIDC is successfully configured.

    Note: Once the OIDC is successfully configured, you can login to the cp-console. However, to login into the Cloud Pak Platform and to get the OIDC successfully configured, first you need to onboard the OIDC users into the Cloud Pak Platform. Then, the OIDC users will be able to login to the cloud pak Platform.

  3. To authenticate, click the corresponding OIDC link in the CloudPak home page.

Onboarding OIDC users into the Cloud Pak Platform

To onboard OIDC users into the Cloud Pak Platform, run the following command:

cloudctl iam team-add-users <zen-team> CloudPakAdministrator -u <user e-mail>

Where, user e-mail is the email ID of the user that is going to onboard in the Cloud Pak Platform.

Now, complete the following steps to grant a Admin role for Cloud Pak Platform. The procedure is based on the APIs.

  1. Configure environmental variables:

    1. Obtain an IAM access token for the default admin user:

      • Log in as an admin using the cloudctl, and run the cloudctl tokens command to obtain the access token. The output resembles the following:
      Access token:  Bearer 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
      ID token:  sha256~ET9DuuQoW8hbke4yr2CwatmkjA3jQKDRHCHnGsfDH58
      • Then, copy the value after Bearer and paste the value to set the TOKEN environment variable. For example,
    2. Set the HOST environment variable. To get the value, run the following command:

      oc get route -n ibm-common-services

      Set the HOST to the cp-console route. For example, export HOST=<cp-console>.

    3. Set CPHOST to the cpd route with corresponding service name, ibm-nginx-svc. For example,

  2. Get the IBM CloudPak access token for the admin user by using the following command:

    curl -ki -X GET 'https://'$CPHOST'/v1/preauth/validateAuth' --header 'username: admin' --header "iam-token: $TOKEN"
  3. Create a user group with the role that you want to assign to the user.

    curl -k -s  -X POST 'https://'$CPHOST'/usermgmt/v2/groups' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'   \
    --header 'Accept: application/json'   \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $CPTOKEN" \
    '{"name": "isv group",
    "description": "Group default ISV group",
    "role_identifiers": ["zen_user_role"]

    Note: To create an admin group, in "role_identifiers", specify the “zen_administrator_role”.

    Verify whether the group is listed, and get the group ID:

    curl -k -s  -X GET 'https://'$CPHOST'/usermgmt/v2/groups' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'   \
    --header 'Accept: application/json'   \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $CPTOKEN"
  4. Add the isv group into the user groups:

    curl -k -s  -X POST 'https://'$CPHOST'/usermgmt/v2/groups/<group_ID>/members' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'   \
    --header 'Accept: application/json'   \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $CPTOKEN" \
    "ldap_groups": ["admin"]

    Where, the group_ID is the isv group ID that you got in Step 3.

    The configuration is completed.

  5. Verify whether the user who is a member of the isv group can log in to CloudPak Platform with proper permissions. To verify, open the CloudPak Platform in your browser by using the URL of $CPHOST.