Where is the SDK documentation?

Developers can customize their application by using the SDK. This documentation moved from the Knowledge Center to the developerWorks developer center.

Where did my SDK documentation go?

The SDK and other developer-oriented documentation has moved from the Knowledge Center to the developerWorks developer center. All the original Knowledge Center content is now in a more developer-friendly format that continues to improve with additional resources available in one location. Since the SDK is used in , information for both customer bases is presented together and applies to both products.

The Developer Center

The developerWorks developer center is dedicated to providing resources for developers to customize IBM offerings. You can find the latest information from our team of experts in the developer center.

Here are just a few of the available resources:
  • Access to SDKs
  • Tutorials with example code
  • Documentation with conceptual and reference information
  • Events to keep you in the loop on the latest innovations
  • dW answers to ask questions of our experts

In the developer center, you can also share information, interact with our developers, try out samples, ask questions, and provide feedback. To access the developer center, see the Customer Experience Analytics Platform.