Verifying Java components checklist

Check that the IBM® 64-bit SDK for z/OS®, Java™ Technology Edition is installed and that the files supplied by CICS have been created.

IBM 64-bit SDK for z/OS, Java Technology Edition installation

Check that the IBM 64-bit SDK for z/OS, Java Technology Edition is installed in z/OS UNIX. CICS® Transaction Server for z/OS, Version 5 Release 1 uses Version 7, Start of changeVersion 7 Release 1End of change, or Start of changeVersion 8End of change of the IBM 64-bit SDK for z/OS, Java Technology Edition for Java support. Check the Java releases that are supported by this CICS Transaction server release at CICS Transaction Server for z/OS 5.1 detailed system requirements. CICS TS for z/OS, Version 5.1 supports only the 64-bit version of the SDK and not the 31-bit version.

The JAVADIR parameter of the DFHISTAR installation job for CICS specifies the location for the IBM SDK for z/OS. This parameter is used to customize the sample JVM profiles and Java security policy, so that they point to the SDK installation. The value in the JVM profiles determines the SDK that is used for Java support in a CICS region.

The default for the JAVADIR parameter is java/J7.0_64. This value is appended to /pathprefix/usr/lpp/ to specify the default location for Version 7 of the IBM 64-bit SDK for z/OS, Java Technology Edition.

Files supplied by CICS

The CICS components for Java are installed during the installation process. Confirm that they are all present in the specified locations. z/OS UNIX System Services must be active in full function mode during the installation process to enable files to be stored in its file system.

In all of the directory paths shown here, cicsts51 is a user-defined value, specified on the USSDIR parameter in the DFHISTAR installation job. This value determines the installation directory for CICS files on z/OS UNIX. This value is used as the uss_path variable in the DFHIJVMJ job, which creates the customized sample JVM profiles and Java security policy as z/OS UNIX files in the directories listed in the following table.

Table 1. Java components checklist
Java component Location Comments
Directory containing JAR files supplied by CICS z/OS UNIX directory:


This directory is on the base library path and class path for all JVMs in CICS.
Start of changeDirectory containing the WebSphere® Application Server Liberty profileEnd of change Start of changez/OS UNIX directory:


End of change
Start of changeThis directory contains the Liberty profile for running web servlets in a JVM server. End of change
Sample programs z/OS UNIX directory:


The sample programs demonstrate the use of output redirection, the JCICS classes, JDBC, pipelines, and web services.
JVM profiles

Start of changeDFHWLPEnd of change

z/OS UNIX directory:


JVM profiles specify options used in creating JVMs. These sample JVM profiles are customized for your system during the installation process. You can edit them using CICS Explorer® or any text editor. The JVM profiles must always be available to CICS.
hlq.SDFJAUTH library MVS PDSE libraries Contains components of the SJ domain. See Authorizing the hlq.SDFJAUTH library for more information.

For all z/OS UNIX files, case is important. CICS does not automatically convert the name of these files to uppercase. When you use the name of a JVM profile anywhere in CICS, you must enter it using the same combination of uppercase and lowercase characters that is present in the z/OS UNIX file name.

dfha1jf.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019