Creating a new deployment environment based on an existing configuration

You can export the configuration properties from an existing deployment environment, modify the properties with the IBM BPM Configuration editor, and then create another deployment environment on a different IBM® Business Process Manager installation that is similar to the exported deployment environment (a clone with modifications).

About this task

After you export the configuration properties, use the IBM BPM Configuration editor to update the exported properties to match your requirements. For example, you can update the database information to use a new set of databases, update the LDAP server to use the testing server, and update performance tuning properties to match the new environment. After you modify the properties file in the editor, you can use the BPMConfig -create command to create a new deployment environment that is a partial copy of the existing deployment environment, based on the modified file.

The following properties are exported:
  • Cell and deployment environment
  • Deployment manager and managed node
  • Cluster and cluster member
  • Data source and JDBC provider information
  • Authentication alias and role mapping
  • LDAP
  • Deployment environment and Process Portal context root prefix (if set in the current deployment environment)
  • Business Process Choreographer customization
  • Additional performance tuning configuration properties

The databases and customer applications are not replicated to the new environment. For instructions to replicate the complete environment, see Migrating IBM BPM to new hardware.


To create the new deployment environment, complete the following steps:

  1. Run the BPMConfig –export command to extract the configuration data from the IBM BPM deployment environment.
    For example:
    • Linux Unix -export -profile DmgrProfile -de DeploymentEnvironment1 -outputDir /home/user_name/DE1ConfigFolder
    • Windows BPMConfig.bat -export -profile DmgrProfile -de DeploymentEnvironment1 -outputDir C:\DE1ConfigFolder
    If there is only one deployment environment in the WebSphere cell, you can omit the -de option.
    Important: Specify a different output directory for each deployment environment. In the case where a cell has multiple deployment environments, a unique output directory is required for each deployment environment.
    The configuration files are placed in the output directory that you specify.
    Table 1. Configuration files for each deployment environment
    Sample name Description This properties file contains the configuration properties from your source environment. You use this file when you configure the target environment. For more information about the configuration properties, see the topic Configuration properties for the BPMConfig command.
    fileRegistry.xml If you use a file-based user registry, the user registry file is copied from the source environment to be added to the target environment.
    ltpa.jceks If you use LTPA, the LTPA key file is copied from the source environment to be added to the target environment.
    ldap_additional_properties.xml If you use a federated repository and an unencrypted LDAP connection in the source environment, user-defined additional properties of the LDAP server are copied from the source environment to the output directory, where they are later used automatically to create the target environment.
    Restriction: If you extend the federated repository to use a custom login property (such as userPrincipalName) in addition to the default uid property in the source environment, LDAP is not configured for the target environment, with the following warning: CWMCB0600W: LDAP could not be configured! You may configure LDAP separately after BPMConfig has terminated successfully. If you see this warning, manually configure LDAP with the login properties you want to use after the migration is complete.
    ProcessServer_100SourceCustomMerged.xml and PDW_100SourceCustomMerged.xml If you have XML configuration properties files, they are copied from the source environment. The exported configuration files are merged and renamed to 101CustomMigrated.xml in the target environment.
    Application-config-bpc.xml and resources-bpc.xml If you have Business Process Choreographer configured in the source environment, the configuration files are copied from the source environment to the output directory, where they are later used automatically to create the target environment.
    Support-config-bpc.xml If you have Business Process Choreographer Archive Manager configured on the support cluster in the source environment, the configuration is copied from the source environment to the output directory, where it is later used automatically to create the target environment.
  2. Use the IBM BPM Configuration editor to update the exported properties to match your requirements for the new deployment environment.
    • Make sure that the database information for each component points to a new database schema, because database schemas must not be shared between deployment environments.
    • Make sure that you use a unique cell name for the new deployment environment, because duplicate cell names can cause conflicts.
    Tip: In addition to the configuration exported by the BPMConfig –export command, you can use the script to export customized WebSphere® Application Server configuration, including data sources, authentication aliases, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) settings, from your source environment. You can refer to this configuration to update the target environment manually or use the script to import the configuration automatically after the target environment is configured.
  3. Save the updated properties file, keeping it in the same output directory. Copy the output directory to the computer where you want to create the new deployment environment.
  4. Install IBM BPM on the computer where you want to create the new deployment environment.
  5. Create the empty databases for your new IBM BPM deployment environment, as described in the appropriate topic for your product edition, operating system, and database type. For example, when creating an IBM BPM Advanced environment with DB2 databases on Linux, follow the steps in Creating DB2 databases in a network deployment environment on Linux.
  6. Validate that all database connections are correctly configured.
    BPMConfig -validate -db output_directory/updated_properties_file
  7. Create the new deployment environment.
    BPMConfig -create -de output_directory/updated_properties_file
    In the following example, the exported file and all the other files from table 1 are in the current directory.
    BPMConfig -create -de
    In the following example, the exported file and all the other files from table 1 are in the /usr/joe/De2CfgBackup directory.
    BPMConfig -create -de /usr/joe/De2CfgBackup/
  8. If you set the property to true, create the database schemas manually using the generated scripts and run the bootstrapProcessServerData command.
  9. Complete other configuration customization. You might need to do other customization on the cloned environment to make it consistent with the source. For example:
    • Copy customized data sources or authentication aliases.
    • Copy business space customization.
    • Copy other services that the IBM BPM system needs to integrate with.
    See the migration topics under Moving your custom configuration to the target environment for details.


A new deployment environment is created based on the exported and modified configuration information.