Pending updates

Use this page to view the pending updates for the IBM® TS7700 Grid. The existence of pending updates indicates that updates occurred while a cluster was Offline, in Service Prep mode, or in Service mode. Before any existing pending updates can take effect all clusters must be online.

This page provides a summary of the number of outstanding updates for each cluster in an IBM TS7700 Grid. You can also use this page to monitor the progress of pending immediate-deferred copies. These copies normally result from changes made while a cluster is Offline, in Service Prep mode, or in Service mode.
Note: Pending immediate-deferred copies may also result from grid network problems.
To obtain a comma-separated file format (.csv) report of each virtual volume or global lock targeted during an ownership takeover, click the Download button. The report lists all of the following:
  • Volume or global-lock updates that are associated with an ownership takeover.
  • Hot tokens. Tokens are internal data structures that are used to track changes to the ownership, data, or properties of a logical volume. Hot tokens occur when a cluster attempts to merge its token information with one or more other clusters, but the other clusters are not available for the merge operation.
  • Stolen volumes. When the ownership of a volume is transferred from one cluster to another through the Autonomic Ownership Takeover Manager (AOTM), the volume is referred to as a stolen volume. The ownership transfer happens when the original owning cluster is unreachable for a period of time. (See The Autonomic Ownership Takeover Manager for more information about the AOTM.)

Standard updates are not included on this report.

Note: Excel removes the leading zeros from downloaded .csv files. To preserve leading zeroes in files your download, please refer to Preserving leading zeros in downloaded data.
Downloadable report fields
To obtain information about the virtual volumes that require updates as a result of ownership takeover, click the Download button. The information shown includes:
The unique identifier for an object to update.
Current Owning Cluster
The name of the cluster that currently owns the data.
Original Cluster
The name of the cluster that needs to be updated.
Takeover Cluster
The name of the cluster that initially took over the volume from the original cluster.
Pending Type
Possible values are:
  • Standard: The object requires an update.
  • Read-Only Ownership Takeover: The object requires an update due to a read-only ownership takeover.
  • Read/Write Ownership Takeover: The object requires an update due to a read/write ownership takeover.
  • Service Takeover: The object requires an update due to a service takeover.
Data Type
The type of data associated with the object to be updated. Possible values are:
  • Virtual Volume: The virtual volume requires an update.
  • Category: The category requires an update.
  • Data Class: The data class requires an update.
  • Miscellaneous: Any synchronization between clusters not defined previously.
Time of Ownership Takeover
The date and time that the volume was first taken over from the original owner. The time is in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Number of updates required against each cluster
The Number of updates required against each cluster table displays information about pending updates for each cluster. Information shown includes:
The total number of virtual volumes and global locks that require an update because one or more clusters were unavailable when changes occurred to these virtual volumes and global locks.
Read/Write Takeover
The total number of virtual volumes that require updates as a result of a read/write ownership takeover while the original owner cluster was down.
Read-Only Takeover
The total number of virtual volumes that require updates as a result of a read-only ownership takeover while the original owner cluster was down.
Service Takeover
The total number of virtual volumes that require updates as a result of a service ownership takeover while the original owner cluster was in Service mode.
Number of Immediate Deferred copies for each cluster
The Number of Immediate Deferred copies for each cluster table displays a summary of immediate deferred volume updates. Summary information shown includes:
The total number of copies that are immediate deferred.
The sum of the sizes of all immediate deferred copies, displayed in gibibytes (GiB).
Note: Refer to the topic Data storage values in the Related Information section for additional information concerning the use of binary prefixes.

For information about the steps you can take to achieve peak network performance, refer to IBM® IBM TS7700 Series Best Practices - Understanding, Monitoring and Tuning the TS7700 Performance, WP101465, available from the TechDocs link in the Related information section.