Installation and upgrade roadmap for Rational DOORS and Rational DOORS Web Access

To successfully install or upgrade IBM® Rational® DOORS®, IBM Rational DOORS Web Access, or both, you must first prepare by gathering information and determining which steps to take.

All the installation information that you need, including information about system requirements, access to product downloads, and fixes in each release, is available in the Release notes for Rational DOORS and Rational DOORS Web Access.

Typically, the administrator installs the Rational DOORS client on a central machine, and then installs a Rational DOORS database server. The administrator then uses the client to manage the Rational DOORS system. Next, the administrator distributes the Rational DOORS client installer to team members who install the Rational DOORS client on their own computers.

If Rational DOORS database server, or Rational DOORS Web Access is already installed on your system, the installer will upgrade the software to the new version.

If your team plans to use Rational DOORS Web Access, an administrator can install its components after Rational DOORS and any optional components are installed. See Installation roadmap for Rational DOORS Web Access.

image shows the installation work flow. The image includes hotspot
links with an explanation of each link. Click this area to get information about preparing to installRational DOORS Click this area to get information about upgrading Rational DOORS Click this area to get information about installing the Rational DOORS client as an administrator Click this area to get information about installing the Rational DOORS database server Click this area to get information about installing the Rational DOORS client Click this area to get information about installing optional interfaces for Rational DOORS Click this area to get information about preparing to install Rational DOORS Web Access Click this area to get information about installing Rational DOORS Web Access on Windows systems Click this area to get information about installing Rational DOORS Web Access on Linux systems Click this area to get information about configuring Rational DOORS Web Access Click this area to get information about running Rational DOORS Web Access

After the installation or upgrade is complete, you can access help content in one of three ways: remote web-based help, local help, and intranet help. The default way to access help is remote web-based help. You open the help from the client, but the help content is hosted on an IBM server.

Optionally, administrators can install the help content on a server in the company intranet. If the help is installed on an intranet server, team members must set the client help preferences to configure access to that server. Team members can also install the help locally on their client computers. For more information, see Using the help.

Administrators and users can also install optional Rational DOORS interfaces, such as Rational DOORS for HP Quality Center Interface.