Installation preparation for Rational DOORS

Before you install Rational® DOORS®, prepare the installation and become familiar with the components to install.

Do not attempt to install Rational DOORS until you meet all of the prerequisites that are listed in the following table.

Table 1. Installation prerequisites
Installation prerequisite More information
The system meets the requirements for installation, which are documented on the IBM® Rational DOORS System Requirements website. For detailed system requirements and product compatibility, see Detailed System Requirements for Rational DOORS.
The 64-bit version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which can be obtained from Oracle or IBM. The JRE is required for the help system and document generation with Rational Publishing Engine. For more information, select a version and platform or component at the web site Detailed System Requirements for Rational DOORS. Then select the Prerequisites tab. See the installation instructions associated with your Java download. After installing, verify that your system has an JAVA_HOME environment variable that is set to the JRE install path; for example:
C:\Program Files\IBM\Java70\jre
To use an alternate Java installation rather than the version specified by the JAVA_HOME system environment variable, see the Registry settings help topic.
The IBM Rational License Key Server is installed on your network. Rational Common Licensing
For installations on Windows 7, Windows 2008, or Windows 2012 systems: You can log in to the administrator account or run as an administrator. To run as an administrator, right-click the installer and then click Run as Administrator.
All other applications are shut down. In particular, Microsoft Office applications, including the Microsoft Office toolbar, are shut down.  
A valid Rational DOORS license is available for use. You do not need a license to install Rational DOORS, but you do need a license to run the Rational DOORS client. For information about Rational DOORS licenses, see Rational Common Licensing.