WebSphere brand Transformation Extender Design Studio

Setting resource registry on execution groups

Configure WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker to use the WebSphere Transformation Extender Resource Registry by setting the resource configuration (.mrc) file on the WebSphere Message Broker execution groups.

About this task

Update the default settings of the execution groups to use the Resource Registry. All command properties that are listed in the following steps are case-sensitive. The sample commands are shown for the Windows operating system.

To set the resource configuration file on execution groups:


  1. Verify that the broker is running.
  2. Open a Command Console that has the WebSphere Message Broker environment configured for your current installation. Select Start > IBM WebSphere Message Broker n.n > Command Console, where n.n represents the product version number.
  3. To find out where the current execution group's resource configuration file is located, use the WebSphere Message Broker mqsireportproperties command:
    C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSI\n.n>
    mqsireportproperties brokername
    -e executiongroup
    -o ComIbmWTXManager
    -n resourceConfigFile
    An example of what your default setting might be:
    C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSI\6.1>
    mqsireportproperties WBRK61_DEFAULT_BROKER
    -e default
    -o ComIbmWTXManager
    -n resourceConfigFile
    The Command Console returns the following response:
    BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
  4. To set the location of the resource configuration file for an execution group, use the WebSphere Message Broker mqsichangeproperties command:
    C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSI\n.n>
    mqsichangeproperties brokername
    -e executiongroup
    -o ComIbmWTXManager
    -n resourceConfigFile
    -v locaton_of_your_resource_registry_configuration_file
    An example of what your default setting might be:
    C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSI\6.1>
    mqsichangeproperties WBRK61_DEFAULT_BROKER
    -e default
    -o ComIbmWTXManager
    -n resourceConfigFile
    -v C:\myfile.mrc
    The Command Console returns the following response:
    BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
  5. To have the changes take effect, stop and restart the execution group.

What to do next

For information about these commands, see the specific WebSphere Message Broker product documentation that is published on the WebSphere Message Broker Library Web page: http://www.ibm.com/software/integration/wbimessagebroker/library.
