Lotus Expeditor Toolkit, Version 6.2
Operating systems: Linux on x86, Windows

Product Configuration

The Configuration page allows the user to customize other details about their platform. The data in the Configuration page is used for Platform exports that are Full Platform exports.

Product definition

For a Desktop configuration, values on this page are set in the product launcher for these values. Many of the Features containing the plug-ins that define the entries in the Product Definition section already have mechanisms to set their values in the platform. If you designate values here, it forces the settings into the launch.

The Personality combo box displays all implementers of the com.ibm.rcp.personality.framework.personalities extension point in the PDE Target Platform or Workspace. The personality plug-in normally also has a definition for an Application Identifier or a Product Identifier in Metadata.

An application acts as the main entry point when the product launches. An application is an org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications extension. The Application ID combo box is populated with the identifiers of all application extensions defined in the PDE Target Platform and workspace. The Product Identifier defines the name and ID of a product.

The combo box displays implementers of the org.eclipse.core.runtime.products extension.

For desktop configurations, he Product Names field defines a name for the menu group on the desktop. This is an optional override to the default group defined in the installation.

Configuration file

Upon startup, the runtime reads a configuration file named config.ini. This file is a standard properties file that configures many aspects of the runtime.

For more information, refer to Platform configuration.

The Generate a default config.ini file is the default option and is recommended unless you have very specific needs as well as knowledge of config.ini files.

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Last updated: October 21, 2008
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