Customizing basic installation

The Lotus® Expeditor Client installation process consists of two steps: installation of core platform files and provisioning of additional components.

The set of components to be provisioned is defined within a provisioning manifest, which is processed by the installer and platform provisioning system.

On Windows®, the file must be named install.xml and be located in a deploy/ directory located in the same location as the installer executable.

For Windows customization, the default install.xml is located on the Lotus Expeditor Client CD. You cannot modify this file because it resides on the CD. However, if the contents of the install/ directory were copied to a read-write file system (as in the case of a Web download scenario), then the install.xml can be modified to include a customized set of components.

On Linux®, the provisioning manifest is, by default, located inside of the installation package. However, the default manifest can be overridden by placing an override manifest in /etc/ibm/expeditor/install.xml.

For Linux customization, the default install.xml must be obtained from within the Linux install package. To do this, perform the following instructions (only one method is necessary, as the install.xml is the same in both RPM and Debian packages):

From RPM package:

  1. Run "mkdir /tmp/test".
  2. Change the directory to /tmp/test.
  3. Run "rpm2cpio <fully qualified path to .rpm file> | cpio -idv".
  4. Copy the /tmp/test/opt/ibm/lotus/Expeditor/rcp/deploy/install.xml file to /etc/ibm/expeditor/install.xml.
  5. After the install.xml file is retrieved, the /tmp/test directory can be deleted.
  6. Modify /etc/ibm/expeditor/install.xml as you wish to customize the platform installation.

From Debian package:

  1. 1. Run "mkdir /tmp/test".
  2. Change directory to /tmp/test.
  3. Run "dpkg-deb -x <fully qualified path to .deb file> .".
  4. Copy the /tmp/test/opt/ibm/lotus/Expeditor/rcp/deploy/install.xml file to /etc/ibm/expeditor/install.xml.
  5. After the install.xml file is retrieved, the /tmp/test directory can be deleted.
  6. Modify /etc/ibm/expeditor/install.xml as you wish to customize the platform installation.
Note: Modifying these provisioning manifests from their shipped states could result in an invalid platform installation.

During the installation process, the provisioning manifest is processed and copied to <product destination>/rcp/deploy/install.xml.

The location of this file is then passed to the platform provisioning component to begin the provisioning process.

For more information on using the provisioning manifest and its syntax, see Using the provisioning manifest.