IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

Log file locations

Log files are saved in log and component directories in your IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring installation. The mechanism for managing log files is the KBB_RAS1_LOG environment variable.

KBB_RAS1_LOG environment variable

The KBB_RAS1_LOG environment variable specifies the full path name of a product's log file, the full path name of the inventory control file, and several options for controlling logging behavior.

Unless instructed to do so by IBM Software Support, you should not normally modify the KBB_RAS1_LOG default values because of the risk that critical logging information could be lost.

The KBB_RAS1_LOG has the following format:
KBB_RAS1_LOG=filename [setting=value]
Maximum number of log files to create in one invocation of the product. The default count is 5. Each log file created in a product invocation gets assigned a count, starting at 01, that is stored in the log file name. Whenever a log file fills and a new log is created, the count gets incremented by 1, up to the limit defined in the count parameter. The new log sequence number is stored as an nn value in the log file name, for example, the 03 in systema_ms_4f2b12eb-03.log.
A file, with a .inv extension on distributed platforms, which automatically records the history of log files across the most recent invocations of the product. By default, the inventory control file is located in the install_dir/logs directory. The name of the file includes the local system name and the two-character product code, for example, WINSYS1_cq.inv or AIXPROD_ux.inv. If you cannot find RAS1 logs that you are searching for, you should examine the product's inventory control file and review the names and locations of the log files listed there.
Maximum size per log file. The default size is 8 megabytes.
The total number of log files in a product's inventory that will be saved. Note that saved log files can span across multiple product invocations, provided that the maxfiles limit has not yet been reached. Extra log files beyond the maxfiles value are automatically deleted. There must be a valid inventory control file in order for the maxfiles value to be enforced.
The number of log files to preserve when log files exceed the count. The default is 1. This means that if, for example, the log file count is 5 and all 5 logs are filled while the product is running, the 6th log will overwrite the -02.log, the 7th log will overwrite the -03 log, and so forth. But the -01 log will be preserved, which is important because it contains a product's startup messages and valuable configuration information. Unless instructed to do so by IBM Software Support, you should not normally modify the KBB_RAS1_LOG default values because of the risk that critical logging information could be lost.

Log file naming

RAS1 log files are maintained with the following naming, as determined by the KBB_RAS1_LOG environment variable in the product's configuration file:
Note: When you communicate with IBM Software Support, you must capture and send the RAS1 log that matches any problem occurrence that you report.

Log file path

Here are the location of the trace log files that are associated with the use of the following components. The default paths for install_dir are C:\Program Files\IBM on Windows and /opt/ibm/ on Linux of UNIX.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
Windows install_dir\logs
Linux or operating systems such as UNIX install_dir/logs/ hostname_CQ_timestamp.log
install_dir specifies the directory where the portal server was installed.
hostname specifies the name of the system hosting the product.
CQ is the component code for the portal server.
timestamp is a decimal representation of the time when the process was started.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client and Java™ Web Start
Location of trace log files that are associated with the use of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal when the client is deployed within a browser or as a Java Web Start application:
Windows The log location depends somewhat on the version of Windows being used. Here are the two most common locations:
%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\IBM\Java\Deployment\log
Linux ${user.home}/.java/deployment/log
For the browser client, the file name is pluginnnnnn.trace. For Java Web Start, the file name is javawsnnnnn.trace.
where nnnnn is a unique, randomly generated numeric suffix to support generational logs.
Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop client
Windows install_dir\cnp\logs\kcjerror_n.log
Linux install_dir/logs/hostname_CJ_timestamp.log
install_dir specifies the directory where the portal client was installed.
_n represents the circular sequence in which logs are rotated. The logs range from no _n for the current log file, to 1 through 9 for the previous logs. A new kcjerror.log file is generated each time the desktop client is started, at which time the previous log is renamed kcjerror_1.log. If there was a kcjerror_1.log, that one gets renamed to kcjerror_2.log, and so on until 9 is reached and the logs start over with kcjerror_1.log.
hostname specifies the name of the system hosting the product.
CJ is the component code for the portal client.
timestamp is a decimal representation of the time when the process was started.
You can configure for multiple named instances of the desktop client. This is typically done, for example, when you want to have multiple desktop client instances connecting to different portal server environments. When you use the "Create instance" action from either the Windows Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services utility or the Linux CandleManage panel associated with the desktop client, you are prompted to provide a name for the new instance. The default instance has no name. All the log file names for the desktop client include the instance name, so the file naming conventions for the 3 logs are as follows: kcjinstance_name.log, kcjerrorinstance_name.log, and kcjras1instance_name.log. For Linux, the kcjinstance_name.log file actually uses the standard Linux log filename convention of hostname_CJ_timestamp.log.
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
Windows install_dir\logs\hostnameMS_ HEXtimestamp-nn.log
Linux or operating systems such as UNIX install_dir/logs/hostname_MS_timestamp.log
install_dir specifies the directory where the monitoring server was installed.
hostname specifies the name of the system hosting the monitoring server.
MS is the component code for the monitoring server.
HEXtimestamp is a hexadecimal representation of the time when the process was started.
nn represents the circular sequence in which logs are rotated. The logs range from 1 to 5, by default, although the first is always retained because it includes configuration parameters.
Dashboard Application Services Hub
Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM\profile\logs\server1\SystemOut.log
Linux or operating systems such as UNIX /opt/ibm/JazzSM/profile/logs/server1/SystemOut.log
tivcmd Command-Line Interface for Authorization Policy
Windows C:\IBM\TivoliMonitoring\logs\kdqras1_51229cb8-01.log
Linux or operating systems such as UNIX /opt/IBM/TivoliMonitoring/logs/kdqras1_51229cb8-01.log
Audit logs for the Authorization Policy Server
Windows C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM\AuthPolicyServer\PolicyServer\audit\hostname_2013.02.18_16.04.38.458.w7_audit.log
Linux or operating systems such as UNIX /opt/IBM/JazzSM/AuthPolicyServer/PolicyServer/audit/hostname_2013.02.18_16.04.38.458.w7_audit.log
hostname is the name of the computer where the Authorization Policy Server is installed.
2013.02.18_16.04.38.458.w7 is the log time stamp.
Automation Server
Windows install_dir\logs\kasmain.msg
Linux or operating systems such as UNIX install_dir/logs/hostname_AS_HEXtimestamp-n.log
hostname is the name of the computer where the automation server is installed.
AS is the component code for the Automation Server.
HEXtimestamp is the log time stamp in hexadecimal.
n is the log number.
Monitoring agents
Windows install_dir\tmaitm6\logs\ hostname_PC_HEXtimestamp-nn.log
Linux or operating systems such as UNIX install_dir/logs/hostname_PC_timestamp.log
install_dir specifies the directory where the monitoring agent was installed.
hostname specifies the name of the system hosting the monitoring agent.
PC specifies the product code, for example, NT for Windows OS.
HEXtimestamp is a hexadecimal representation of the time when the process was started.
nn represents the circular sequence in which logs are rotated. The logs range from 1 to 5, by default, although the first is always retained because it includes configuration parameters.
IBM Tivoli Warehouse Proxy agent
Windows install_dir\logs\hostname_HD_ timestamp.log
Linux or operating systems such as UNIX install_dir/logs/hostname_PC_ timestamp.log
install_dir specifies the directory where the monitoring agent was installed.
hostname specifies the name of the system hosting the Warehouse Proxy agent.
HD is the product code for the IBM Tivoli Warehouse Proxy agent.
IBM Tivoli Summarization and Pruning agent
The Summarization and Pruning Agent uses C-based RAS1 tracing, Java-based RAS1 tracing and Java-based internal tracing. By default, Summarization and Pruning Agent trace data is written to a file in the logs subdirectory.
Windows install_dir\logs\hostname_SY_ HEXtimestamp-nn.log
install_dir\logs\hos tname_SY_ ras1java_HEXtimestamp-nn.log
install_dir\logs\hostname_PC_ java_HEXtimestamp-nn.log
Linux or operating systems such as UNIX install_dir/logs/hostname_SY_ HEXtimestamp-nn.log
install_dir/logs/hostname_SY_ras1java_ HEXtimestamp-nn.log
install_dir/logs/hostname_SY_java_ HEXtimestamp-nn.log
install_dir specifies the directory where the monitoring agent was installed.
hostname specifies the name of the system hosting the monitoring agent.
SY specifies the product code for the Summarization and Pruning agent.
HEXtimestamp is a hexadecimal representation of the time when the process was started.
nn represents the circular sequence in which logs are rotated. The logs range from 1 to 5, by default, although the first is always retained because it includes configuration parameters.
