IBM Content Manager, Version 8.5   Operating systems:  z/OS        

Configuring the IBM Content Manager for z/OS Toolkit connector

After you complete the SMP/E installation of the IBM® Content Manager Toolkit, you must configure the connector.

Before you run configuration programs, follow these prerequisite steps:
  1. Apply the most current maintenance to the IBM Content Manager Toolkit, if needed.
  2. Reconfigure the connector and the configuration files that are replaced. If you update these files, create a backup copy before configuring the Toolkit.
  3. Set your PATH environment variable to include your Java™ and JDBC driver libraries by running:
    For example:
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lpp/java/J7.0/bin/
    export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lpp/db2a10/jdbc/bin
  4. Ensure that the installation root directory is defined as the home directory in the OMVS segment of the user ID that runs the configuration jobs.

    An example of a root directory is /u/CMUSER.

  5. Extract the configuration programs from the JCL jobs in hlq.SICMSAMP that were created by SMP/E jobs or from the command line in IBM z/OS® UNIX Systems Services.
To configure the connector:
  1. Extract the configuration programs by using JCL or the command line.
  2. Create the configuration files by running the batch job ICMCONFG. The following files are created in the prefix/usr/lpp/icm/V8R5M0/cmgmt directory:
    Sets the CMCFGDIR variable to indicate the directory that contains configuration files.
    Contains properties that are used by XML and web services. For more information about this file, see the class
    Sets IBMCMWorkingDirectory variable to indicate the home directory.
    In the prefix/usr/lpp/icm/V8R5M0/cmgmt/connectors directory:
    Encrypted ID and password for DB2® database.
    Tip: This file might be updated when you run the configuration again after applying maintenance. If an encrypted ID exists for your database, a new entry is not added. If you must update the password for this ID, use the JCL job ICMCRYPT in hlq.SICMSAMP file and specify update as the action.
    System configuration information about the library server database.
    Connector configuration file, which indicates whether the server is remote or local.
    In the prefix/usr/lpp/icm/V8R5M0/bin directory:
    Environment variables such as PATH and CLASSPATH.
  3. Extract the sample programs. The prefix/usr/lpp/icm/V8R5M0/samples/java/samples.pax file extracts into the prefix/usr/lpp/icm/V8R5M0/samples/java/icm, beans, viewer, and xml directories. The prefix/usr/lpp/icm/V8R5M0/samples/webservices/WebservicesSamples.pax file extracts into the prefix/usr/lpp/icm/V8R5M0/samples/webservices directory.
    Important: Running this job after you apply maintenance replaces existing samples in these directories. If you modified the samples, make a backup copy to another directory before running this job.
  4. Optional: Run the ICMCRYPT batch job to add additional encrypted user IDs and passwords to cmbicmenv.ini.
    Tip: You do not need to run this batch job for the initial configuration.
  5. Optional: Run the ICMVERFY batch job to verify that the installed IBM Content Manager Toolkit can connect to the IBM Content Manager library server.
    Recommended: Although this step is optional, it is recommended.


Last updated: December 2013

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