IBM Content Manager, Version 8.5   Operating systems:  z/OS        

Configuring the Content Manager for z/OS Toolkit for the CICS environment

You can configure the Content Manager for z/OS® Toolkit by modifying options in the JVM profile, modifying the security policy file, and setting the connection parameters to the library server. After you configure the Toolkit for the CICS® environment, you can run the CICS COBOL samples.

The Content Manager for z/OS Toolkit Java™ APIs can run under CICS. The Toolkit includes sample Java and COBOL applications. IBM® Content Manager applications can be written in the Java language for the CICS environment by using the ICM connector APIs in the DB2® Connector Manager Toolkit for z/OS. A sample Java application prefix/samples/java/icm/zosDelta/ is provided with the Content Manager for z/OS Toolkit.

A second sample application program ICMCOBOL (in HLQ.SICMSAMP) shows a COBOL application calling a Java program SCICSCMAPI that invokes IBM Content Manager Java APIs. These samples use CICS services through the JCICS class. Therefore, you must include the dfjcics.jar file (a Java class library provided by CICS) in your class path.

When you use the ICM connector APIs in a CICS environment on z/OS, the following limitations apply:

Important: Before you can configure the Content Manager for z/OS Toolkit for the CICS environment, you must have a fully operational Content Manager for z/OS Toolkit.

To configure the Toolkit for the CICS environment, you must:

  1. Modify options in the JVM profile. The sample JVM profiles are placed in the HFS directory $CICS_HOME/JVMProfiles and the default profile is DFHJVMPR. You must modify the options in Table 1 for the Toolkit.
    Table 1. Options to set in the JVM profile when using the CICS environment with the Toolkit
    Option Value Description
    REUSE YES Continuous reusable JVM is the only reusability mode supported.
    CLASSPATH Class paths from the file The CLASSPATH option should contain all the class paths that are specified in the prefix/usr/lpp/icm/V8R5M0/bin/ file.
  2. Modify the security policy file. By default, CICS is set up to run with the Java 2 security manager with the sample CICS security policy file specified as $CICS_HOME/security/dfjejbpl.policy. If you choose to use the Java 2 security with the ICM Java APIs, you must change the policy file to grant permission to the ICM Java API driver by adding the following line to the dfjejbpl.policy file:
    grant codeBase "file:prefix/usr/lpp/icm/V8R5M0/-" {
  3. Set the connection parameters to the library server in the cmbicmsrvs.ini file (located by default in the prefix/usr/lpp/icm/V8R5M0/cmgmt/connectors directory). The following parameters must be set as:
    Table 2. Connection parameter settings that are needed to run Content Manager for z/OS Toolkit for Java APIs in the CICS environment
    Parameter Value Description
    ICMSSO TRUE The underlying CICS DB2 security procedure performs the necessary authentication for each execution of a transaction.

    You can also set this value at the application level by specifying it in the DKDatastoreICM.connect() method.

    ICMDBAUTH CLIENT This setting is used with the ICMSSO parameter. The underlying CICS DB2 attachment facility performs the required security verification.

    You can also set this parameter at the application level by specifying it either in the DKDatastoreICM constructor or in the DKDatastoreICM.connect() method.

    ICMREMOTE FALSE Type 4 connectivity is not supported under CICS. Only the local server is supported.

After you configure the Toolkit for the CICS environment, you can run the CICS COBOL samples.

To run the ICMCOBOL and SCICSCMAPI samples:

  1. Customize and run the ICMCOBOL job that compiles the COBOL program and generates the load module.
  2. Use javac to compile to generate the SCICSCMAPI.class file.
  3. Define the program, transaction, and DB2ENTRY resources for ICMCOBOL in CICS.
  4. Define the program and DB2ENTRY resources for SCICSCMAPI in CICS.
  5. Log on to CICS region and issue the transaction ID defined for ICMCOBOL.


Last updated: December 2013

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