What's new in V8.9.2

Learn what's new in Operational Decision Manager V8.9.2.

Operational Decision Manager delivers new features and improved performance with each release. This list shows the features introduced in versions 8.9.2 and

Note: For deprecated and removed features, see Deprecated features.


New product licensing (V8.9.2)

Operational Decision Manager V8.9.2 introduces new licensing. The components now come in two packages: Operational Decision Manager Server and Operational Decision Manager Server Express. New informationLearn more...

Product metering changes (V8.9.2)

You can use the metering service in IBM Cloud Private or IBM Cloud Private-CE (Community Edition) to track product instances and gather usage metrics. (Note that the IBM Cloud Product Insights metering service in IBM® Cloud has been deprecated.) New informationLearn more...

Operational Decision Manager on IBM Cloud Private

Private cloud solution for Operational Decision Manager applications (V8.9.2)

You can deploy Decision Center and Rule Execution Server on IBM Cloud Private through a set of predefined Docker images and Helm charts. This self-service platform enables you to create and scale containerized instances of the Operational Decision Manager applications. New informationLearn more...

Using Operational Decision Manager PVU licenses on IBM Cloud Private (V8.9.2.1)

If you have a license for the on-premises Operational Decision Manager, you can use your Processor Value Unit (PVU) licenses on IBM Cloud Private by configuring the PVUs on dedicated worker nodes. New customers with PVU entitlements can benefit from restricting the number of installed PVU licenses. New informationLearn more...

Customizing logs (V8.9.2.1)

When you run the Operational Decision Manager components, they produce logs that contain messages and events. Now you can customize these logs to make them more useful in monitoring the components, and identifying and fixing bugs. New informationLearn more...

Decision Center

Managing servers in the Business console (V8.9.2.1)

As an administrator or a configuration manager, you can use the Business console to manage the list of servers that are available through Decision Center for deployments, tests, and simulations. You can also restrict access to specific groups. New informationLearn more...

Tags for rule artifacts in the Business console (V8.9.2.1)

You can display and edit tags to store data with your rule artifacts (action rules, decision tables, and ruleflows). New informationLearn more...

Rule overriding in the Business console (V8.9.2.1)

You can override rules in the Business console to give precedence to specific rules over other rules. New informationLearn more...

Using custom property editors in the Business console (V8.9.2.1)

You can customize the Business console by using a custom property editor to add a custom graphical interface for your business-specific rule properties. New information Learn more...

Offline updating of decision tables from the Business console (V8.9.2.1)

You can work on a decision table offline, and then import it into the Business console. You start by exporting the decision table from the Business console as an Excel spreadsheet. After making changes, you import the spreadsheet back into the Business console to update the corresponding decision table. New information Learn more...

Customer survey for the Decision Center Business console (V8.9.2.1)

An in-application survey solicits feedback from users of the Business console. A pop-up window opens on your screen, giving you an opportunity to rate the Business console by selecting a score. (Note: The survey opens in English when it does not support the user's locale.) The system is set to check in with you every 90 days. Your time is valuable, and you are under no obligation to participate. However, by taking advantage of this feature, you can contribute to improving the Business console. Even if you close the pop-up without responding, taking a couple of minutes to provide input directly to the Operational Decision Manager team is appreciated. Your feedback is taken seriously. New information Learn more...

Improved archiving for projects in the Decision Center database (V8.9.2)

Archiving unused projects in your Decision Center database can free up storage space and increase performance. The archival tool for Decision Center administrators has improvements to ease archiving further and deliver a smoother user experience. New informationLearn more...

Tutorial: User access and LDAP registries (V8.9.2)

This tutorial shows the different aspects relating to Decision Center user access and using an LDAP as a user registry. New informationLearn more...

Rule Execution Server

New utilities interface in the REST API (V8.9.2.1)

The new utilities interface in the REST API provides a method to get version information about Rule Execution Server. Use the getVersion method to obtain the version of your Rule Execution Server. This information is useful in a DevOps workflow, for example, to ensure that you deploy and run only compatible RuleApps. New informationLearn more...

New memory persistence type for XU in Java™ SE (V8.9.2)

Use memory persistence to enable an execution unit (XU) to load a RuleApp into an in-memory repository. It simplifies RuleApp deployment because it frees you from having to set up a Rule Execution Server database or file persistence system to store RuleApps. New informationLearn more...