What's new in V8.9.1

Learn what's new in Operational Decision Manager for z/OS® V8.9.1.

Operational Decision Manager for z/OS delivers new features and improved performance with each release.

Note: For deprecated and removed features, see Deprecated features.

zRule Execution Server for z/OS

Batched request API

You can use the batched request API to send batches of request parameters to zRule Execution Server for z/OS for execution. Introduced with Operational Decision Manager 8.9.0, this API has been further improved and stabilized for greater performance. New information Learn more...

Enhanced integration with IBM CICS® Transaction Server

Operational Decision Manager now uses CICS® Link with Liberty to improve performance when running a zRule Execution Server for z/OS in the CICS JVM server. The link is available for CICS 5.3 and 5.4. New information Learn more...

Improved rule engine management in Liberty

Now you can enable TCP/IP management, SMF records, file system persistence, and other configuration options for the HTDS, DR, DVS, and WOLA applications running in Liberty. New information Learn more...

Rule Designer

ARL debugging and automatic importing

When you use the decision engine, your action rules and decision tables are compiled into the advanced rule language (ARL). Now you can check the compilation results in the ARL tab. For example, if your project model contains similar objects, you can check that the rules use the correct objects. New information Learn more...

Also for ARL, these frequently used packages are now automatically imported:

  • java.lang.*
  • com.ibm.rules.engine.runtime.*
  • com.ibm.rules.engine.ruledef.runtime.*
  • com.ibm.rules.engine.ruleflow.runtime.*

You can declare these packages in the Import field without ambiguity. New information Learn more...

Automated builds with the Build Command Line

The Build Command Line can automate the build of your projects in a continuous deployment environment. New information Learn more...

Tutorial: Debugging a decision service

This tutorial shows you how to debug a decision service in Rule Designer. You use debugging features to find errors in rules and a ruleflow. New information Learn more...

Decision Center

Decision Center support

Decision Center does not run on z/OS, but it can interoperate with Decision Server Rules on z/OS. New informationLearn more...