Reconfiguring actions to associate with new workflows

If you have actions that are created before the IBM® Enterprise Records upgrade and are associated with the previous versions of workflows, you must update the Actions to point to the new versions of the workflows.

About this task

IBM Enterprise Records 5.2.0 releases the following workflows: Destroy workflow, Create record folder workflow, Physical records management workflow, Disposition review workflow, Screening workflow, Vital record workflow, and Cut off workflow. The new workflows replace the old versions of workflows.

Update the actions by using the IBM Enterprise Records administration client plug-in user interface.


To update a action to associate it with the new version of the workflow:

  1. On the IBM Enterprise Records administration client plug-in user interface, go to Open Configuration View.
  2. Select the target file plan object store and select Actions in the menu.
  3. Open an Action and on the Properties page and update the Associated Workflow field with the new action on the Properties pane.