IBM Performance Management

Upgrading your agents

Periodically, new archive files that contain upgraded monitoring agents are available for download. Archive files are available from IBM® Passport Advantage®.

Before you begin

For the following agents, an agent-specific task must be completed before you complete the upgrade procedure:

About this task

If a new version of the agent is available, running the installation script automatically upgrades the agent. If the agent does not have a newer version available, a message is displayed explaining that the agent is already installed; your installed agent is not affected.

To install an upgraded agent, use the following procedures:



The agent is upgraded to the latest version. If a newer version of the monitoring agent is not available, a message is displayed explaining that the agent is already installed; your installed agent is not affected.

What to do next

After an upgrade of a Windows agent, you must restart any agent that is not both automatically configured and started by the Windows Installer. Run the following command to check the agent status:
./name-agent.bat status
Use one of the following methods to start the agent:
  • Click Start > All Programs > IBM Monitoring agents > IBM Performance Management. Right-click on an agent and click Start.
  • Run the following command:
    ./name-agent.bat start
For information about the monitoring agent commands, including the name to use, how to check agent status, and more, see Using agent commands. For information about which agents are started automatically and manually, see Agent deployment
  • For the Microsoft .NET agent, after you upgrade the agent, configure the data collector. For instructions, see Registering the data collector.
    If you installed the agent into a new directory, you must change the Profiler service bin path by using the service controller (sc) command. For example,
    sc \\localhost config DotNetProfilerService binPath=
    where install_dir is the new installation directory.
  • For the Node.js agent, after you upgrade the agent, configure the data collector. For instructions, see Node.js agent monitoring plug-in: Runtime configuration file.
  • For the Ruby agent, if you have deep dive diagnostics in your environment, after you upgrade the agent, configure the data collector. For instructions, see Configuring the Ruby agent for Application Diagnostics.
  • For the WebSphere® Applications agent, after you upgrade the agent, migrate the data collector by running the command dc_home/bin/ from the installation directory of the new version of the agent and restart the application server instance. For instructions, see WebSphere Applications agent: Migrating the data collector.
  • For the HTTP Server agent, if you upgrade the agent from a version that is earlier than to or later, you must also update the .conf file, which is used by the HTTP Server, to replace the previous data collector configuration file with the newly generated file. You must also add the new agent instance to the console. For instructions, see Configuring the HTTP Server agent.
  • For the HMC Base agent, after you upgrade the agent from version to, you must configure the agent again and restart the agent. For instructions, see Configuring the HMC Base agent.
  • LinuxIf you want to upgrade an older version of the agent that is installed in the /opt/ibm/ccm/agent directory you must complete these steps on the Linux system:
    1. If you confirm that you want to migrate the agent configuration from the old installation directory /opt/ibm/ccm/agent to the new installation directory, for example, /opt/ibm/apm/agent, you must start the agent in the new installation location.
      Restriction: The older version of the agent is stopped automatically in the old installation location but it is not started automatically in the new installation location.
    2. After you verify that the agent works in the new installation directory, you must uninstall the older version of the agent from the /opt/ibm/ccm/agent directory. If you want to remove all agents, run the /opt/ibm/ccm/agent/bin/ uninstall_all command.