Configuring SSL and TLS by using CA-signed certificates

Configure Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) on the Tivoli® Storage Manager server, backup-archive client, and storage agent to ensure that data is encrypted during communication. You can use a signed certificate from a third-party Certificate Authority (CA) to verify an SSL communication request between the server, client, and storage agent.

Before you begin

To use the SSL to secure communications between the Operations Center and the hub server, see Securing communications between Operations Center and the hub server.

The following figure shows the step number to complete the task.

The image is a graphical depiction of how you configure SSL by using CA certificates, and provides the number for each task step.

  • Enter commands on one line. In the following steps, commands are displayed here on multiple lines to make it easier to read. Ensure that you enter a space after each command.
  • If your client operating system is 32-bit, replace the gsk8capicmd_64 command with gsk8capicmd in all GSKit commands.
  • Before you set up the server certificate on the client, follow these steps:
    1. Open a command window and change the directory to your Tivoli Storage Manager client directory, for example: cd "C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient"
    2. Append the GSKit binary path and library path to the PATH environment variable, for example:
      set PATH=x:\Program Files\Common Files\Tivoli\tsm\api64\gsk8\bin\;
       x:\Program Files\Common Files\Tivoli\tsm\api64\gsk8\lib64;%PATH%
      where x: is the system drive where Tivoli Storage Manager is installed.

About this task

Each Tivoli Storage Manager server, client, or storage agent that enables SSL must use a trusted self-signed certificate or obtain a unique certificate that is signed by a CA. You can use your own certificates or purchase certificates from a CA. Either certificate can be installed and added to the key database on the Tivoli Storage Manager server, client, or storage agent. If you use a root certificate from a CA, you must install it on each key database for the client, server, and storage agent that initiates SSL communication. The certificate is verified by the SSL client or server that requests or initiates the SSL communication.

Restriction: Some Certificate Authorities use certificates in a format that is not recognized by Tivoli Storage Manager. You might need to contact your CA to convert the certificate to a format that you can use with Tivoli Storage Manager.

You can restrict SSL communication to use TLS 1.2 and prevent the use of previous TLS protocol levels, which are less secure. To use TLS 1.2, in addition to configuring the source server to use TLS 1.2, you must also configure the target server or storage agent to use TLS 1.2.


  1. Specify the TCP/IP port on which the server waits for client communications that are enabled for SSL or TLS. Update the dsmserv.opt file in the server instance directory by specifying the SSLTCPADMINPORT and SSLTCPPORT options, or both. Specify the SSLTCPADMINPORT option to specify the port address on which the server TCP/IP communication driver waits for requests. Specify the SSLTCPPORT option to specify the SSL port address. To use TLS 1.2, specify the SSLTLS12 YES server option in the server options file.
  2. Restart the server. If you change any default values for the server, you must restart the server.
  3. Create the key database file:
    • Server: Start the server. This action creates the server key database file, cert.kdb and it is stored in the server instance directory.

      If a password exists for the server database, it is reused for the key database, cert.kdb. After you create the database, the key database access password is generated and stored.

    • Client: Use the following command in the bin directory on the client to create the key database, dsmcert.kdb:
      gsk8capicmd_64 -keydb -create -populate
      -db dsmcert.kdb -pw password -stash
      • By specifying the -populate parameter, a set of default root certificates are preinstalled.
      • The bin directory for the client is installed to the client system directory during client installation. For example, the bin directory for the client is installed in the following path:
        <system directory>\Tivoli\TSM\api64\gsk8\bin
    • Storage agent: Issue the DSMSTA SETSTORAGESERVER command to initialize the storage agent and add communication information to the device configuration file and the storage agent options file dsmsta.opt:

      AIX operating systems
      dsmsta setstorageserver myname=storage_agent_name
      HP-UX operating systemsLinux operating systemsOracle Solaris operating systemsWindows operating systems
      dsmsta setstorageserver 
  4. Import a unique certificate that is signed by a CA for each server that enables SSL or TLS. Use the following command from the Tivoli Storage Manager server as the instance user from the instance directory:
    gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db "cert.kdb" -stashed
    -label "My CA" -format ascii -file myca.cer
  5. To receive the signed certificate and make it the default for communicating with clients, issue the following command:
    gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -receive -db cert.kdb 
    -pw password -stash -file cert_signed.arm -default_cert yes 
    In the preceding example, the server key database file name is cert.kdb.
  6. Restart the server.
  7. Transfer the root certificate (ca.arm) to the client directory.
  8. Add the root certificate to the key database by using the gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add command.
    • Server and storage agent:
      gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db cert.kdb 
      -pw password -label "CA_name" 
      -file ca.arm -format ascii
      Tip: The key database for the server is stored in the server directory. The key database for the storage agent is stored in the storage agent directory.
    • Client:
      gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db dsmcert.kdb 
      -pw password -label "CA_name" 
      -file ca.arm -format ascii
      Tip: For this example, the client key database name is dsmcert.kdb.
  9. To verify successful SSL or TLS communication, issue the following command:
    • Server and storage agent: query session
    • Client: dsmc query session