Installing silently using the command line

You can install IBM® Business Process Manager silently using the command line. With this method, you only need to run one command to perform the installation.

Before you begin

If you do not have the prerequisite base products necessary for IBM Business Process Manager Advanced: Process Server installation, you must install them as part of the silent installation. The required base products are:
  • Installation Manager
  • WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment, including the ejbdeploy and thinclient features.

About this task

The silent installation performs the following tasks:
  • Installs Installation Manager if it is not already installed or updates it to the appropriate level if it is installed.
  • Installs the required base products and IBM Business Process Manager Advanced: Process Server.

Only one IBM Installation Manager is required to install multiple instances of IBM Business Process Manager.


  1. Optional: Run the following command to generate encrypted passwords using IBM Installation Manager to securely connect to DB2 and the administrative console.
    extract_directory/IM/tools/imutilsc -silent -nosplash encryptString password_to_encrypt
  2. Read and accept the license terms before installing. Adding -acceptLicense to the command line means that you accept all licenses.
  3. Run the following command:
    extract_directory/IM/tools/imcl install list_of_product_IDs -acceptLicense -installationDirectory location -repositories repository -showVerboseProgress -log logName.log
    • list_of_product_IDs is a list of the IDs for the products and features that you want to install. You must include the required features. The syntax is productID,feature,feature, with multiple products separated by spaces.
      Table 1. Product IDs
      Product Product ID Feature and Description
      IBM BPM Advanced: Process Server
      • bpmAdvPS.nonprod: Test, staging, or development use. You must specify either this feature or
      • Production use. You must specify either this feature or bpmAdvPS.nonprod.
      • wps.client.feature: Required. Run client applications that interact with a IBM BPM Advanced: Process Server in the same cell.
      • wps.server.feature: Required. Full installation of IBM BPM Advanced: Process Server, which includes the client code and the server code.
      • wps.profile.feature: IBM Process Server development profile (qbpmaps) for test environment.
      • esb.profile.feature: WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus development profile (qesb) for test environment.
      WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
      • core.feature: Required. WebSphere Application Server core content.
      • ejbdeploy: Required. Pre-Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 modules.
      • thinclient: Required. Stand-alone thin clients and resource adapters.
      • embeddablecontainer: Embeddable EJB container.
      • samples: Sample applications feature.
      • 32-bit software development kit (SDK). You must specify either this feature or
      • 64-bit SDK This feature can only be selected on a 64-bit system. You must specify either this feature or
      Installation Manager
      • agent_core: Installation Manager core content.
      • agent_jre: Installation Manager Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
    • location is the path to the directory where you want to install the products.
    • repository is the path to the repository where you have extracted the files, one of the following directories:
      For more than one repository, separate the repository locations with commas.
    • key=value is a list of the keys and values you want to pass to the installation, separated by commas. Do not put spaces between the commas. Create encrypted passwords using the IBM Installation Manager.
      Table 2. Keys
      Key Description
      user.db2.use.existing If you are using an existing DB2 setup, add the following line exactly:
      If DB2 must be installed, specify the value false.
      user.bpm.admin.username User name for the administrative console. The default value is admin. This property is needed only if you are creating a profile.
      user.bpm.admin.password Encrypted password for the user name for the administrative console. The decrypted default value is admin. This property is needed only if you are creating a profile.
      user.db2.port Port for the DB2 database. The default value is 50000.
    • logName is the name of the log file to record messages and results.
    Running this command installs the product with the default features. If you want to install specific features or make other changes, see the reference link for the command-line arguments for imcl.


Installation Manager installs the list of products and writes a log file to the directory that you specified. The log file is empty if there are no errors or warnings.


The following example installs IBM Business Process Manager Advanced: Process Server and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment on Solaris.
imcl install,,wps.client.feature,wps.server.feature,core.feature,ejbdeploy,thinclient,embeddablecontainer,samples, -acceptLicense -installationDirectory /usr/IBM/BPM80 -repositories /usr/tmp/BPM/repository  -showVerboseProgress -log silentinstall.log

What to do next

Important: Ensure that you install the mandatory interim fix for APAR JR44669 before you configure and load data into the databases. Otherwise, future interim fixes, fix packs, or refresh packs might not install properly. For more information, see Required interim fix for APAR JR44669. To download the fix, see Required interim fixes for IBM Business Process Manager.
Then, define a stand-alone server or deployment manager profile in the Profile Management Tool or using the manageprofiles command-line utility. Only profiles created with the Profile Management Tool or manageprofiles can be used in production.