Java trace and FFDC files

File name conventions for Java trace and FFDC files.

When Java trace is generated for IBM® MQ Transport for SOAP, it is written to a file with a name of the format AMQ. diagid. counter.TRC. Here, diagid is the value of the system property associated with this Java process, as described earlier in this section, and counter is an integer greater than or equal to 0. All letters in the name are in uppercase, matching the naming convention used for normal IBM MQ trace.

If is not specified, the value of diagid is the current time, in the format YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmm.

When Java trace is generated for the MQ Explorer, it is written to file with a name of the format AMQYYYYMMDDHHmmssmmm.TRC.n. Each time MQ Explorer trace is run, the trace facility renames all previous trace files by incrementing the file suffix .n by one. The trace facility then creates a new file with the suffix .0 that is always the latest.

The IBM MQ Java classes trace file has a name based on the equivalent IBM MQ Transport for SOAP Java trace file. The name differs in that it has the string .JC added before the .TRC string, giving a format of AMQ. diagid. counter.JC.TRC.

When Java FFDC is generated for the MQ Explorer or for IBM MQ Transport for SOAP, it is written to a file with a name of the format AMQ. diagid. counter.FDC where diagid and counter are as described for Java trace files.

Java error message output for the MQ Explorer and for IBM MQ Transport for SOAP is written to the file specified by Diagnostics.Java.Errors.Destination.Filename for the appropriate Java process. The format of these files matches closely the format of the standard IBM MQ error logs.

When a process is writing trace information to a file, it appends to a single trace output file for the lifetime of the process. Similarly, a single FFDC output file is used for the lifetime of a process.

All trace output is in the UTF-8 character set.