
Use the fteSetLoggerTraceLevel command to modify the current trace level for a WebSphere® MQ Managed File Transfer logger dynamically.


Use this command to switch logger trace on and off or change the level of logger trace that is set. When you use the fteSetLoggerTraceLevel command, you do not have to shut down and restart a logger to modify the trace level. The trace files produced are located in MQ_DATA_PATH/mqft/logs/coordination_qmgr_name/loggers/logger_name/logs/trace%PID%/trace%PID%.txt, where %PID% is the process ID for the logger instance.

In WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer Version 7.5 and later, the fteSetLoggerTraceLevel command also writes a trace for the logger process controller. The trace files produced are located in MQ_DATA_PATH/mqft/logs/coordination_qmgr_name/loggers/logger_name/logs/pctrace%PID%/pctrace%PID%.txt, where %PID% is the process ID for the logger instance.

The command can also be used to cause the logger process to generate a Javacore. The logger generates a Javacore file in the following directory: MQ_DATA_PATH/mqft/logs/coordination_qmgr_name/loggers/logger_name.

Because running trace can affect your performance significantly and can produce a large amount of trace data, run trace with care and only when necessary. Typically, enable trace only when asked to do so by your IBM® service representative.

You can set further trace properties, for example trace file size and the number of trace files to keep, in the logger.properties file. These properties are described in Logger properties.

Specify the optional -p parameter for this command only if you want to use a set of configuration options different from your default set. See Logger configuration properties for WebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer for more information.



Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramfteSetLoggerTraceLevel -traceLogger classes=level ?-disableOnAnyFFDC-disableOnFFDC FFDC_specification -jc-p configuration_options logger_name


-traceLogger classes=level
Required. Level to set the logger trace and which classes to apply the trace to. Specify the following format:

For example:


Specify a comma-separated list of class specifications that you want the level of trace to apply to. If you do not specify this parameter, the trace level is applied to all logger classes.

If (classes) start with a plus sign (+), the list of trace classes following the plus sign are added to any existing trace classes currently being traced.

The valid trace level options are as follows and are listed in ascending order of trace file size and detail:
Switches the logger trace off but continues to write information to the log files. This is the default option.
Captures data for trace points associated with processing flow in the logger.
Captures a moderate amount of diagnostic information in the trace.
Captures a verbose amount of diagnostic information in the trace.
Sets logger trace to run on all logger classes.
Optional. If this parameter is specified, trace is disabled on the logger when it generates a First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) file.

You can specify only one of the -disableOnAnyFFDC and -disableOnFFDC parameters.

-disableOnFFDC FFDC_specification
Optional. If this parameter is specified, trace is disabled on the logger when it generates a First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) file that matches the FFDC_specification. FFDC_specification is a comma-separated list of values. The value can be one of the following formats:
The name of the class where the FFDC originated. For example, com.ibm.wmqfte.classA.
The name of the class and the probe ID of the location in the class that the FFDC originated from. For example, com.ibm.wmqfte.classB:1.

You can specify only one of the -disableOnAnyFFDC and -disableOnFFDC parameters.

Optional. Requests that the logger generates a Javacore file. The IBM service team might request that you run the command with this parameter to assist with problem diagnosis. You cannot use the -jc parameter with any other parameter.

-p configuration_options
Optional. This parameter determines the set of configuration options that is used to set the logger trace level. Use the name of a non-default coordination queue manager as the input for this parameter. The command then uses the set of properties files associated with this non-default coordination queue manager.

If you do not specify this parameter, the set of configuration options based on the default coordination queue manager is used.

Required. The name of theWebSphere MQ Managed File Transfer logger that you want to set the trace level for.

-? or -h
Optional. Displays command syntax.


In this example, the trace level is set to all for all classes for LOGGER1:
fteSetLoggerTraceLevel -traceLogger com.ibm.wmqfte=all LOGGER1  

In this example, the trace level is set to all for the classes com.ibm.wmqfte.logger.logger and com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler for LOGGER1:

fteSetLoggerTraceLevel -traceLogger com.ibm.wmqfte.logger.logger,com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler=moderate
In this example, subclasses are excluded from the trace because the -traceLevel parameter is set to off. All classes starting with com.ibm.outer are traced at verbose level except classes starting with com.ibm.outer.inner:
fteSetLoggerTraceLevel -traceLogger com.ibm.outer=verbose LOGGER1
fteSetLoggerTraceLevel -traceLogger +com.ibm.outer.inner=off LOGGER1

Return codes

Command completed successfully.
Command ended unsuccessfully.