Release notes for IBM Spectrum Protect HSM for Windows Version 8.1

IBM Spectrum® Protect HSM for Windows V8.1 is available. Read this document to find important installation information. You can also learn about product updates, compatibility issues, limitations, and known problems.



IBM Spectrum Protect HSM for Windows provides hierarchical storage management for Windows New Technology File System (NTFS) and Resilient File Systems (ReFS) file systems. You manage local disk space by migrating files to IBM Spectrum Protect storage.

For a list of the APARs that are fixed in this release, see APARs fixed.


The IBM Spectrum Protect V8.1 announcement is available at See the announcement for the following information:
  • Detailed product description, including a description of new functions
  • Packaging and ordering details
To search for the product announcement, complete the following steps:
  1. Go to the product announcement website at
  2. In the Search for field, enter the product identifier (PID) for your product. The PID for IBM Spectrum Protect is 5725-W98.
  3. In the Information Type field, select Announcement letters, and click Search.
  4. From the Search in list, select Product Number.
  5. Optional: In the Refine Your Search pane on the left side of the window, select the country where you reside.
  6. In the Sort by section, select Newest first.

Compatibility with earlier versions

For compatibility with earlier versions, see Tivoli® Server/Client Compatibility and Upgrade Considerations.

Restriction: After IBM Spectrum Protect HSM for Windows version 8.1 is installed and in use, do not roll back to an earlier version or to a fix-pack earlier than version 7.1.6. Stub files that are created with version 8.1 and higher are not compatible with versions earlier than 7.1.6. Versions earlier than fix-pack 7.1.6 of the HSM for Windows client cannot recall files from stubs that are created with version 8.1 or versions V7.1.6 and later versions.

System requirements

For information about hardware and software compatibility, see the detailed system requirements document at HSM for Windows requirements.

Installing IBM Spectrum Protect HSM for Windows V8.1

If you download the product from IBM® Passport Advantage®, follow the directions in the download document at technote 4042965.

For installation instructions, see Installing the HSM for Windows client.

Updates, limitations, and known problems

Documentation updates, limitations, and known problems are documented as technotes in the Support knowledge base at As problems are discovered and resolved, IBM Software Support updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can find workarounds or solutions to problems.

Limitations and known problems
For the limitations and known problems that affect IBM Spectrum Protect HSM for Windows V8.1, see Limitations and known problems.
Documentation updates
For information that was not available at the time of publication, see Documentation updates.