Silently installing with the Microsoft Installer program

You can use the Microsoft Installer (MSI) program, msiexec.exe, to implement a silent installation of Data Protection for SQL Server. If you are protecting Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and later versions, you can also use the MSI program to silently install Data Protection for SQL Server on Windows Server Core.

Before you begin

Data Protection for SQL Server must be installed from an account that is a member of the local Administrators group for the system on which the SQL Server is running.

Important: Unlike the setup.exe and setupfcm.exe programs, the msiexec.exe program does not include a number of prerequisites that is installed by Data Protection for SQL Server. When you use msiexec.exe, you must install all prerequisites manually.

Before you install and configure Data Protection for SQL Server, verify that you satisfy the hardware and software requirements. For more information, see the topic that describes the minimum hardware and software requirements.

About this task

The following examples show how to use the msiexec command to install the Data Protection for SQL Server Management Console and Data Protection for SQL Server.


  1. To install the Data Protection for SQL Server Management Console, issue each of these msiexec commands on a single line:
    msiexec /i"x:\fcm\aaa\mmc\4140\enu\IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for
    Databases - MS SQL - Management Console.msi" RebootYesNo="No"
    Reboot="Suppress" ALLUSERS=1 INSTALLDIR="c:\program files\tivoli"
    ADDLOCAL="Client" TRANSFORM=1033.mst /qn /l*v "c:\temp\DpSqlMmcLog.txt"

    Where x: is your DVD drive, and aaa is either x86 or x64.

  2. To install Data Protection for SQL Server, issue each of these msiexec commands on a single line.
    msiexec /i"x:\fcm\aaa\sql\7140\enu\IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for
    Databases - MS SQL.msi" RebootYesNo="No" Reboot="Suppress"
    ALLUSERS=1 INSTALLDIR="c:\program files\tivoli\tsm"
    ADDLOCAL="Client" TRANSFORM=1033.mst /qn /l*v "c:\temp\DpSqlLog.txt"

    Where x: is your DVD drive, and aaa is either x86 or x64.

What to do next

  • You must place quotation marks around the following items:
    • A directory path that contains spaces.
    • An argument that specifies multiple features. Although you must use quotation marks around the complete argument, you must still place a backslash before each internal quotation mark.
  • All features that are listed in a custom installation must be specified after the addlocal option.