EXPORT NODE (Export client node information)

Use this command to export client node definitions or file data to sequential media or directly to another server for immediate import.

Important: For commands that export administrators or nodes, you must consider the method of authentication. The IBM Spectrum Protect server cannot export or import passwords for nodes or administrators that are authenticating with LDAP directory servers. If the current authentication method uses an LDAP directory server and the password is not already synchronized by that server, you must update the password. After issuing the EXPORT command, set the password by issuing the UPDATE ADMIN or UPDATE NODE command.
The following information is included in each client node definition:
  • User ID, password, and contact information.
  • Name of the client's assigned policy domain.
  • File compression status.
  • Whether the user has the authority to delete backed-up or archived files from server storage.
  • Whether the client node ID is locked from server access.
Optionally, you can also export the following items:
  • File space definitions.
  • Backed-up, archived, and files that were migrated by an IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management client.
  • Access authorization information that pertains to the file spaces exported.
  • Archive data that is in deletion hold status (the hold status is preserved). When the archive data is imported, it remains in deletion hold.

If you use an LDAP directory server to authenticate passwords, any servers that you export to must be configured for LDAP passwords. Node data that is exported from a node that authenticates with an LDAP directory server is inaccessible if the target server is not properly configured. If your target server is not configured, exported data from an LDAP node can still be exported. But the target server must be configured to use LDAP, to access the data.

The following restrictions apply to the export function:
  • Export operations from a later version and release to an earlier version and release is not supported.
  • Export operations between servers that are at the same version and release but with different fix packs might fail. For example, you cannot export from a V7.1.3 server to a V7.1.1 or earlier server.
  • Exported data from a server with retention protection enabled is not protected by retention when it is imported to another server.
  • Export processing excludes nodes of type network-attached storage (NAS).
  • Exporting data to a Centera device class or importing data from a Centera device class is not supported. However, files that are stored in Centera storage pools can be exported and files that must be imported can be stored on a Centera storage device.
  • The EXPORT NODE and EXPORT SERVER commands do not export data from a shred pool unless you explicitly allow it by setting the ALLOWSHREDDABLE parameter to the YES value. If this value is specified, and the exported data includes data from shred pools, that data cannot be shredded. A warning is not issued if the export operation includes data from shred pools.
  • Incrementally exporting or importing the following types of client data to another IBM Spectrum Protect server is not supported:
    • VMware backups where full plus incremental backups need to be periodically, incrementally transferred to another server
    • Backups groups where full plus differential backups must be periodically, incrementally transferred to another server
    • Windows System State data that is periodically, incrementally transferred to another server

    Full export or import of this data to a new file system on the target is supported by exporting the entire file space that contains the data. The export must not use the FILEDATA=ALLACTIVE, FROMDATE, TODATE, or MERGEFILESPACES parameters.

    Using node replication to incrementally transfer this type of client data between two servers is optimal.

Limitation: The IBM Spectrum Protect server does not convert code pages during export, import, and node replication operations. If servers are running in different locales, some information in databases or system output might become unreadable. Invalid characters might be displayed, for example, in the contact information for the administrator and client nodes, and in descriptions of policy domains. Any field that is stored in the server character set and that includes extended ASCII characters can be affected. To resolve the issue after the import or node replication operation, update the fields with the appropriate UPDATE commands. This server limitation does not affect client data. Any client data that was exported, imported, or replicated can be restored, retrieved, and recalled.

The EXPORT NODE command generates a background process that can be canceled with the CANCEL PROCESS command. If you are exporting node information to sequential media and the background process is canceled, the sequential media that is holding the exported data is incomplete, it must not be used to import data. If a server-to-server export background process is canceled, a partial import might result. Evaluate any imported data on the target server to determine whether you want to keep or delete the imported data. Review the import messages for details. To display information about background processes, issue the QUERY PROCESS command.

To display information about any running and suspended server-to-server export operations, issue the QUERY EXPORT command. The QUERY EXPORT command displays information only for exports that are, or can be, suspended. Export operations that can be suspended, and then restarted, are those server-to-server exports whose FILEDATA has a value other than NONE. You can issue the QUERY ACTLOG command to view the status of the export operation.

Because of unpredictable results, do not run expiration, migration, backup, or archive when you are issuing the EXPORT NODE command.

For a server that has clients with support for Unicode, you can get the server to convert the file space name that you enter, or use one of the following parameters:
  • FSID

The EXPORT NODE command takes two forms: export directly to another server on the network, or export to sequential media. The syntax and parameters for each form are defined separately.

Table 1. Commands related to EXPORT NODE
Command Description
CANCEL EXPORT Deletes a suspended export operation.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
EXPORT ADMIN Copies administrative information to external media or directly to another server.
EXPORT POLICY Copies policy information to external media or directly to another server.
EXPORT SERVER Copies all or part of the server to external media or directly to another server.
IMPORT NODE Restores client node information from external media.
QUERY ACTLOG Displays messages from the server activity log.
QUERY EXPORT Displays the export operations that are currently running or suspended.
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background processes.
RESTART EXPORT Restarts a suspended export operation.
SUSPEND EXPORT Suspends a running export operation.