SET FAILOVERHLADDRESS (Set a failover high level address)

Use this command to specify the IP address that a client uses to connect to this server as the secondary replication server during failover, if the address is different from the IP address that is specified for the replication process.

You must specify the address of the server that is used if the high-level address (HLA) is different. This command is required only if you use separate dedicated networks for server-to-server communication and client access.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-SET FAILOVERHladdress--high_level_address-------------------><


high_level_address (Required)

Specifies a server HLA as a numeric dotted decimal name or a host name to use during failover. If you specify a host name, a server that can resolve the name to the dotted decimal format must be available.

To remove the failover IP address, issue the command without specifying a value.

Example: Set a failover high-level address

The name of the HLA that you want to set for failover operations on this server.
set failoverhladdress server1

Example: Remove a high-level address

To remove a high-level address for a failover server, issue the following command:
set failoverhladdress 

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to QUERY REPLSERVER
Command Description
QUERY REPLSERVER (Query a replication server) Displays information about replicating servers.
REMOVE REPLSERVER (Remove a replication server) Removes a server from replication.