VALIDATE REPLPOLICY (Verify the policies on the target replication server)

Use this command to compare the policies for client nodes on the source replication server with the same policies on the target replication server where the client node data is being replicated.

The command displays the differences between these policies so that you can verify that any differences between the policies on the source and target replication servers are intended or you can modify the policies on the target replication server.

Ensure that IBM Spectrum Protect™, Version 7.1.1 or later, is installed on the source and target replication servers before you issue this command. Issue this command on the source replication server.

Privilege class

Any administrator can issue this command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-VALidate REPLPolicy--+-------------+------------------------><


Specifies the name of the target replication server that has policies you want to verify. This parameter is optional. If you do not specify this parameter, the command sets the default replication server as the target replication server.

Example: Display the differences between the replication policies on a source and target replication server

To display the differences between the policies on the source replication server and the policies on the target replication server, CVTCVS_LXS_SRV2, where the client data is replicated, issue the following command on the source replication server:
Policy domain name          Policy domain name      Target
on this server              on target server        server name 
--------------------------  ----------------------  -----------------
STANDARD                    STANDARD                CVTCVS_LXS_SRV2

Differences in policy set:
Change detected             Source server value     Target server value
--------------------------  ----------------------  -----------------
Mgmt class only on target   Not applicable          STANDARD2
Mgmt Class only on source   STANDARD1               Not applicable

Differences in backup       STANDARD in             STANDARD
copy group                  management class
Change detected             Source server value     Target server value
--------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------
Versions data exists        2                       20

Affected nodes

Field descriptions

Policy domain name on this server
Specifies the policy domain name on the source replication server where the command is issued.
Policy domain name on target server
Specifies the policy domain name on the target replication server.
Target server name
Specifies the name of the target replication server.
Differences in policy set:
Specifies the differences between the policies that are defined on the source and target replication servers. The differences between the policies are listed under the following fields:
Change detected
Specifies the list of policy items that are different between the source and target replication servers.
Source server value
Specifies the value for the policy item on the source replication server.
Target server value
Specifies the value for the policy item on the target replication server.
Differences in backup copy group <backup_copy_group_name> in default management class OR Differences in archive copy group <archive_copy_group_name> in default management class
Specifies the differences between the backup copy group or the archive copy group in the management class. The differences are listed under the following fields:
Change Detected
Specifies the list of copy group fields that are different.
Source server value
Specifies the value in the copy group field on the source replication server.
Target server value
Specifies the value in the copy group field on the target replication server.
Affected nodes
Specifies the names of all the client nodes that are affected by the changes that are shown in this output.

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to VALIDATE REPLPOLICY
Command Description
VALIDATE REPLICATION Verifies replication for file spaces and data types.
QUERY REPLSERVER Displays information about replicating servers.
SET DISSIMILARPOLICIES Enable the policies on the target replication server to manage replicated data.
QUERY DOMAIN Displays information about policy domains.
QUERY POLICYSET Displays information about policy sets.
QUERY COPYGROUP Displays the attributes of a copy group.
QUERY MGMTCLASS Displays information about management classes.