VALIDATE REPLICATION (Validate replication for a client node)

Use this command to identify the replication rules that apply to file spaces in client nodes that are configured for replication. You can also use this command to verify that the source replication server can communicate with the target replication server.

Before you begin replication processing, use the VALIDATE REPLICATION command to determine whether your replication configuration is correct.

Issue this command on the server that acts as a source for replicated data.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
                         V               |   
>>-VALidate REPLication------node_name---+---------------------->



node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the client node whose file spaces you want to display. To specify multiple client node names, separate the names with commas and no intervening spaces. You can use wildcard characters to specify names.

Information is displayed only for client nodes that are either enabled or disabled for replication. The replication mode must be SEND. To determine whether a client node is enabled or disabled for replication and its mode, issue the QUERY NODE command. Look for values in the Replication State and Replication Mode fields.

Specifies whether to check the connection to a target replication server. The version of the target replication server is also checked to verify that it is Version 6.3 or later. This parameter is optional. The default is NO. You can specify one of the following values:
The connection and version of the target replication server are not checked.
The connection and version of the target replication server are checked.

Example: Validate replication for a client node

The name of the client node is NODE1. Verify the connection status between the source and the target replication servers.
validate replication node1 verifyconnection=yes
                   Node Name: NODE1
              Filespace Name: \\node1\c$
                        FSID: 1
                        Type: Bkup
Controlling Replication Rule: ACTIVE_DATA
      Replication Rule Level: System Level
                 Server Name: DRSRV
           Connection Status: Valid Connection

                   Node Name: NODE1
              Filespace Name: \\node1\c$
                        FSID: 1
                        Type: Arch
Controlling Replication Rule: ALL_DATA_HIGH_PRIORITY
      Replication Rule Level: Node Level
                 Server Name: DRSRV
           Connection Status: Valid Connection

                   Node Name: NODE1
              Filespace Name: \\node1\c$
                        FSID: 1
                        Type: SpMg
Controlling Replication Rule: ALL_DATA
      Replication Rule Level: System Level
                 Server Name: DRSRV
           Connection Status: Valid Connection

Output is displayed for all data types regardless of whether a file space contains the data types. For example, if a file space contains only backup and archive data, the output of the VALIDATE REPLICATION command also contains information that would be relevant to space-managed data.

Field descriptions

Node Name
The node that owns the replicated data.
Filespace Name

The name of the file space that belongs to the node.

File space names can be in a different code page or locale than the server. If they are, the names in the Operations Center and the administrative command-line interface might not be displayed correctly. Data is backed up and can be restored normally, but the file space name or file name might be displayed with a combination of invalid characters or blank spaces.

If the file space name is Unicode-enabled, the name is converted to the server code page for display. The success of the conversion depends on the operating system, the characters in the name, and the server code page. Conversion can be incomplete if the string includes characters that are not available in the server code page or if the server cannot access system conversion routines. If the conversion is incomplete, the name might contain question marks, blanks, unprintable characters, or ellipses (...).

The file space identifier for the file space. The server assigns a unique FSID when a file space is first stored on the server.
The type of data. The following values are possible:
Archive data
Backup data
Data that was migrated by an IBM Spectrum Protect™ for Space Management client.
Controlling Replication Rule
The name of the replication rule that controls replication for a data type in a file space. To determine whether the controlling rule is a file space rule, a client rule, or a server rule, check the Replication Rule Level field.
Replication Rule Level
The level of the controlling rule in the replication-rule hierarchy. The following values are possible:
The controlling rule is assigned to a data type in the file space.
The controlling rule is assigned to a data type for a client node.
The controlling rule is assigned to a data type for all file spaces in all client nodes that are configured for replication.
Server Name
The name of the target replication server to be queried.
Connection Status
The connection status between the source and the target replication server. The following values are possible:
Valid Connection
Communication with the target replication server was successful, and the target replication server is a V6.3 server.
Target Server Not Set
The target replication server is not set. To set the target replication server, issue the SET REPLSERVER command.
Communication Failure
The source replication server was unable to contact the target replication server. Examine the activity log for error messages about failed communications. Consider the following possible causes:
  • The replication configuration on the source replication server is not valid. One or more of the following problems might exist:
    • The server definition for the target replication server is incorrect.
    • If the target replication-server definition was deleted and redefined, issue the PING SERVER command to test the connection between the source and the target replication server. If the PING SERVER command is successful, issue the UPDATE SERVER command and specify FORCESYNC=YES to reset the server verification keys.
    • The server name, server low-level address, server high-level address, and server password do not match the values that are specified in the server definition on the target replication server.
  • The replication configuration on the target replication server is not valid. One or more of the following problems might exist:
    • The version of the target replication server is earlier than V6.3.
    • The server definition for the source replication server is incorrect.
    • The server name, server low-level address, server high-level address, and server password do not match the values that are specified in the server definition on the source replication server.
  • Network communications are unavailable. To test the connection between the source and target server, issue the PING SERVER command.
  • The target replication server is unavailable.
  • Sessions between the source and the target replication servers are disabled. To verify the status of sessions, issue the QUERY STATUS command.
Replication Suspended
Replication processing is suspended when you restore the database on the source replication server or you disable replication processing on this server by issuing the DISABLE REPLICATION command.

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to VALIDATE REPLICATION
Command Description
DISABLE REPLICATION Prevents outbound replication processing on a server.
ENABLE REPLICATION Allows outbound replication processing on a server.
ENABLE SESSIONS Resumes server activity following the DISABLE command or the ACCEPT DATE command.
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information about one or more clients.
QUERY REPLRULE Displays information about node replication rules.
QUERY SERVER Displays information about servers.
QUERY STATUS Displays the settings of server parameters, such as those selected by the SET commands.
REPLICATE NODE Replicates data in file spaces that belong to a client node.
SET ARREPLRULEDEFAULT Specifies the server node-replication rule for archive data.
SET BKREPLRULEDEFAULT Specifies the server node-replication rule for backup data.
SET REPLSERVER Specifies a target replication server.
SET SPREPLRULEDEFAULT Specifies the server node-replication rule for space-managed data.
UPDATE FILESPACE Changes file-space node-replication rules.
UPDATE NODE Changes the attributes that are associated with a client node.
UPDATE REPLRULE Enables or disables replication rules.
UPDATE SERVER Updates information about a server.