QUERY VOLUME (Query storage pool volumes)

Use this command to display information about one or more storage pool volumes.

Privilege class

Any administrator can issue this command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram Query Volume *volume_nameACCess=,READWriteREADOnlyUNAVailableOFfsiteDEStroyedSTatus=,ONlineOFflineEMPtyPENdingFILlingFULlSTGpool=*STGpool=pool_nameDEVclass=*DEVclass=device_class_nameFormat=StandardFormat=StandardDetailed LISTRetsets=NoLISTRetsets=YesNo


Specifies the volume to query. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. If you do not specify a name, all storage pool volumes are included in the query.
Specifies that output is restricted by volume access mode. This parameter is optional. You can specify multiple access modes by separating the modes with commas and no intervening spaces. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, output is not restricted by access mode. Possible values are:
Display volumes with an access mode of READWRITE. Client nodes and server processes can read from and write to files stored on the volumes.
Display volumes with an access mode of READONLY. Client nodes and server processes can read only files that are stored on the volumes.
Display volumes with an access mode of UNAVAILABLE. Client nodes and server processes cannot access files that are stored on the volumes.
Display copy storage pool volumes with an access mode of OFFSITE. The volumes are at offsite locations from which they cannot be mounted.
Display primary storage pool volumes with an access mode of DESTROYED. The volumes are designated as permanently damaged.
Specifies that output is restricted by volume status. This parameter is optional. You can specify multiple status values by separating values with commas and no intervening spaces. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, output is not restricted by volume status. Possible values are:
Display random access volumes that are available to the server.
Display random access volumes that are not available to the server.
Display sequential access volumes that have no data.
Display volumes with a status of PENDING. These volumes might be sequential-access volumes from which all files were deleted, but for which the time specified by the REUSEDELAY parameter on the DEFINE STGPOOL command has not elapsed. These volumes might also be random-access disk volumes that were deleted, but that still contain discarded data that is waiting to be shredded. After the data is shredded, the volume will be physically deleted.
Display sequential access volumes that the server has written to but has not yet filled to capacity.
Display sequential access volumes that the server filled.
Specifies the storage pool to include in the query. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. If you do not specify a storage pool name, all storage pools are included in the query.
Specifies the device class to include in the query. This parameter is optional. You can use wildcard characters to specify names. If you do not specify a device class name, all devices are included in the query.
Specifies how the information is displayed. This parameter is optional. The default value is STANDARD. Possible values are:
Specifies that partial information is displayed.
Specifies that complete information is displayed.
Specifies that all retention sets that have data on the specified retention storage pool volumes are displayed. This parameter is optional. The default value is No. The following values are possible:
Specifies that all retention sets with data stored on the specified storage pool volumes are displayed.
Specifies that retention sets with data on the specified storage pool volumes are not displayed.
Linux operating systemsAIX operating systems

Example: List all file storage pool volumes

Display information on all storage pool volumes with the device class name of FILE. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.
query volume devclass=file

Volume Name             Storage     Device     Estimated  Pct   Volume
                        Pool Name   Class Name  Capacity  Util  Status
----------------------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----- -------
/FCT/SERVER/COVOl1      COPYSTG      FILE         0.0 M    0.0 Pending
/FCT/SERVER/COVOl2      COPYSTG      FILE         0.0 M    0.0 Empty
/FCT/SERVER/COVOl3      COPYSTG      FILE         0.0 M    0.0 Empty
/FCT/SERVER/PRVOl1      PRIMESTG     FILE         0.0 M    0.0 Empty
/FCT/SERVER/PRVOl2      PRIMESTG     FILE         0.0 M    0.0 Empty
Windows operating systems

Example: List all storage pool volumes with the same prefix

Display information on all storage pool volumes that are prefixed with the name ATF. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.
query volume atf*
Volume Name             Storage     Device     Estimated  Pct   Volume
                        Pool Name   Class Name  Capacity  Util  Status
----------------------- ----------- ---------- --------- ----- -------
ATF001                  8MMPOOL     8MMTAPE       4.8 G   18.2 Filling
ATF002                  8MMPOOL     8MMTAPE       4.8 G   18.2 Filling
Linux operating systemsAIX operating systems

Example: Display detailed information about a specific storage pool volume

Display details about the storage pool volume named /fct/server/covol1. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.
query volume covol1 format=detailed
                   Volume Name: /FCT/SERVER/COVOl1
             Storage Pool Name: COPYSTG
             Device Class Name: DISK
            Estimated Capacity: 10.0 M
       Scaled Capacity Applied:
                      Pct Util: 6.7
                 Volume Status: On-line
                        Access: Read/Write
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 3.2
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 11
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 04/14/1998 16:17:26
        Approx. Date Last Read: 04/01/1998 13:26:18
           Date Became Pending:
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location:
 Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable: No
Last Update by (administrator): COLLIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 05/01/1998 14:07:27
          Begin Reclaim Period:
            End Reclaim Period:
       Logical Block Protected:      
  Drive Encryption Key Manager:
Windows operating systems

Example: Display detailed information about a specific storage pool volume

Display details about the storage pool volume WPDV00. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.
query volume wpdv00 format=detailed
                   Volume Name: WPDV00
             Storage Pool Name: TAPEPOOL
             Device Class Name: TAPE
            Estimated Capacity: 5.8 M
       Scaled Capacity Applied:
                      Pct Util: 0.1
                 Volume Status: On-line
                        Access: Read/Write
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 3.2
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 11
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 04/14/1998 16:17:26
        Approx. Date Last Read: 04/01/1998 13:26:18
           Date Became Pending:
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location:
 Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable: No
Last Update by (administrator): COLLIN
         Last Update Date/Time: 05/01/1998 14:07:27
          Begin Reclaim Period: 
            End Reclaim Period: 
       Logical Block Protected:    
  Drive Encryption Key Manager:

Example: Display detailed information about a storage pool volume with a specific device class

Display details about a volume in a storage pool with a device class name of FILECLASS. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.
query volume devclass=fileclass format=detailed
                   Windows operating systemsVolume Name: Z:\WORM_CFS\0000000E.BFS
                   Linux operating systemsAIX operating systemsVolume Name: /WORM_FILESYS/0000000E.BFS
             Storage Pool Name: FILEPOOL
             Device Class Name: FILECLASS
            Estimated Capacity: 2.0 G 
       Scaled Capacity Applied:
                      Pct Util: 0.0
                 Volume Status: Filling
                        Access: Read/Write
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 0.0
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 1
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 03/22/2004 15:23:46
        Approx. Date Last Read: 03/22/2004 15:23:46
           Date Became Pending:
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location:
 Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable: No
Last Update by (administrator):
         Last Update Date/Time: 03/22/2004 15:23:46
          Begin Reclaim Period: 03/22/2005 
            End Reclaim Period: 04/22/2005
       Logical Block Protected:  
  Drive Encryption Key Manager:

Example: Display detailed information about a specific storage pool volume

Display details about a storage pool volume that is named 000642. The volume is in a storage pool that is associated with a 3592 device class. See Field descriptions for field descriptions.
query volume 000642 format=detailed
                   Volume Name: 000642
             Storage Pool Name: 3592POOL
             Device Class Name: 3592CLASS
            Estimated Capacity: 2.0 G 
       Scaled Capacity Applied:
                      Pct Util: 0.0
                 Volume Status: Filling
                        Access: Read/Write
        Pct. Reclaimable Space: 0.0
               Scratch Volume?: Yes
               In Error State?: No
      Number of Writable Sides: 1
       Number of Times Mounted: 1
             Write Pass Number: 1
     Approx. Date Last Written: 03/22/2004 15:23:46
        Approx. Date Last Read: 03/22/2004 15:23:46
           Date Became Pending:
        Number of Write Errors: 0
         Number of Read Errors: 0
               Volume Location:
 Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable: No
Last Update by (administrator):
         Last Update Date/Time: 03/22/2004 15:23:46
          Begin Reclaim Period: 03/22/2005 
            End Reclaim Period: 04/22/2005
       Logical Block Protected: Yes  
  Drive Encryption Key Manager: IBM Spectrum Protect     

Example: Display the volumes on which a retention set resides

Display information about retention sets that have data on the specified retention storage pool volume. See Field descriptions for field descriptions. For the retention storage pool volume PT68LJL6, issue the command:
query volume PT68LJL6 listretset=yes

Volume Name	Storage         Device         Estimated     Pct      Volume	Retention
                  Pool Name	Class Name	Capacity     Util      Status	Set IDs
-----------       --------        --------       --------      ------  ------------  ------------
PT68LJL6          RETPOOL         VTLDEVC        30.0 G        100.0     Full        377 379 380
                                                                                     383 384
                                                                                     385 409 410

Field descriptions

Volume Name
The name of the storage pool volume.
Storage Pool Name
The storage pool to which the volume is defined.
Device Class Name
The device class that is assigned to the storage pool.
Estimated Capacity
The estimated capacity of the volume, in megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T).

For DISK devices, this value is the capacity of the volume.

For sequential access devices, this value is an estimate of the total space available on the volume, which is based on the device class.

Scaled Capacity Applied
The percentage of capacity to which a volume is scaled. For example, a value of 20 for a volume whose maximum capacity is 300 GB indicates that the volume can store only 20 percent of 300 GB, or 60 GB. This attribute applies only to IBM® 3592 devices.
Pct Util
An estimate of the utilization of the volume. The utilization includes all space that is occupied by both files and aggregates, including empty space within aggregates.

For DISK volumes, the utilization also includes space that is occupied by cached data.

Volume Status
The status of the volume.
Retention Set ID
The list of retention sets that have data stored on the specified retention storage pool volume.
Whether the volume is available to the server.
Pct. Reclaimable Space (sequential access volumes only)
The amount of space on this volume that can be reclaimed because data has expired or been deleted. This value is compared to the reclamation threshold for the storage pool to determine whether reclamation is necessary. Reclaimable space includes empty space within aggregates.

When determining which volumes in a storage pool to reclaim, the server first determines the reclamation threshold. The reclamation threshold is indicated by the value of the THRESHOLD parameter on the RECLAIM STGPOOL command or, if that value was not specified, the value of the RECLAIM parameter in a storage pool definition. The server then examines the percentage of reclaimable space for each volume in the storage pool. If the percentage of reclaimable space on a volume is greater that the reclamation threshold of the storage pool, the volume is a candidate for reclamation.

For example, suppose that storage pool FILEPOOL has a reclamation threshold of 70 percent. This value indicates that the server can reclaim any volume in the storage pool that has a percentage of reclaimable space that is greater that 70 percent. The storage pool has three volumes:
  • FILEVOL1 with 65 percent reclaimable space
  • FILEVOL2 with 80 percent reclaimable space
  • FILEVOL3 with 95 percent reclaimable space

When reclamation begins, the server compares the percent of reclaimable space for each volume with the reclamation threshold of 70 percent. In this example, FILEVOL2 and FILEVOL3 are candidates for reclamation because their percentages of reclaimable space are greater than 70.

For volumes that belong to a SnapLock storage pool, the value is displayed but is not used.

Scratch Volume? (sequential access volumes only)
Whether this volume is returned to scratch when the volume becomes empty.
In Error State?
Whether the volume is in an error state. The server cannot write to volumes in an error state.
Number of Writable Sides
This information is reserved for IBM Spectrum® Protect.
Number of Times Mounted
The number of times that the server opened the volume for use. The number of times that the server opened the volume is not always the same as the number of times that the volume was physically mounted in a drive. After a volume is physically mounted, the server can open the same volume multiple times for different operations, for example for different client backup sessions.
Write Pass Number (sequential access volumes only)
The number of times the volume was written to from the beginning to the end.
Approx. Date Last Written
The approximate date on which the volume was last written.
Approx. Date Last Read
The approximate date on which the volume was last read.
Date Became Pending
The date that the status of the volume was changed to pending.
Number of Write Errors
The number of writing errors that occurred on the volume.
Number of Read Errors
The number of reading errors that occurred on the volume.
Volume Location
The location of the volume.
Volume is MVS Lanfree Capable
Whether the volume is LAN-free capable. A LAN-free capable volume is one that was defined and used (at least once) by the IBM Spectrum Protect z/OS® data manager server.
Last Update by (administrator)
The administrator that defined or most recently updated the volume.
Last Update Date/Time
When the volume was defined or most recently updated.
Begin Reclaim Period
Represents the date after which the server begins reclaiming this volume, but not later than the date represented by the end reclaim period. If, when the reclaim period begins, there are files on the volume that have not expired, they are moved to a new WORM volume during reclamation processing. This field displays a date only if this volume is in a storage pool for which the value of the RECLAMATIONTYPE parameter is SNAPLOCK.

If more than one archive is stored on the same volume, the start of the volume's reclamation period is based on the date of the most recent archive. For SnapLock volumes, the RETVer parameter of the DEFINE COPYGROUP command determines how long an archive is stored. If RETVer is set to 100 days, the volume's reclamation period will start 100 days after the first archive is stored on it. If a second archive is stored on the same volume, the reclamation start date will be adjusted to 100 days after the new archive is stored. If the RETVer value is changed after the first archive is stored, the latest reclamation date will apply for all of the archives on the volume. For example, assume RETVer is set to 100 for an initial archive, but is then changed to 50. If a second archive is stored on the volume three days after the first, the reclamation period will not start until 100 days after the first archive was stored.

End Reclaim Period
Represents the date by which the IBM Spectrum Protect must complete reclamation processing on this volume to ensure continued protection of the data. It also represents the Last Access Date physical file attribute in the NetApp Filer, which prevents the file from being deleted until after that date. This field displays a date only if this volume is in a storage pool for which the value of the RECLAMATIONTYPE parameter is SNAPLOCK.
Drive Encryption Key Manager
The drive encryption key manager. This field applies only to volumes in a storage pool that is associated with a device type of 3592, LTO, or ECARTRIDGE.
Logical Block Protected
Specifies whether logical block protection is enabled for the volume. You can use logical block protection only with the following types of drives and media:
  • IBM LTO5 and later
  • IBM 3592 Generation 3 drives and later with 3592 Generation 2 media and later
  • Oracle StorageTek T10000C and T10000D drives

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to QUERY VOLUME
Command Description
DEFINE DEVCLASS Defines a device class.
DEFINE VOLUME Assigns a volume to be used for storage within a specified storage pool.
DELETE VOLUME Deletes a volume from a storage pool.
UPDATE DEVCLASS Changes the attributes of a device class.
UPDATE VOLUME Updates the attributes of storage pool volumes.
VARY Specifies whether a disk volume is available to the server for use.