BACKUP NODE (Back up a NAS node)

Use this command to start a backup operation for a network-attached storage (NAS) node.

Backups that are created for NAS nodes with this BACKUP NODE command are functionally equivalent to backups that are created by using the BACKUP NAS command on an IBM Spectrum® Protect client. You can restore these backups with either the server's RESTORE NODE command or the client's RESTORE NAS command.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege, policy privilege for the domain to which the node is assigned, or client owner authority over the node.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramBAckup Nodenode_name,file_system_nameMGmtclass=mcnameTOC=PreferredTOC=NoPreferredYesWait=NoWait=NoYesMODE=DIFFerentialMODE=FULLDIFFerentialTYPE=BACKUPImageTYPE=BACKUPImageSNAPMirror


node_name (Required)
Specifies the node for which the backup will be performed. You cannot use wildcard characters or specify a list of names.
Specifies the name of one or more file systems to back up. You can also specify names of virtual file spaces that have been defined for the NAS node. The file system name that you specify cannot contain wildcard characters. You can specify more than one file system by separating the names with commas and no intervening spaces.

If you do not specify a file system, all file systems will be backed up. Any virtual file spaces defined for the NAS node are backed up as part of the file system image, not separately.

If a file system exists on the NAS device with the same name as the virtual file space specified, IBM Spectrum Protect automatically renames the existing virtual file space in the server database, and backs up the NAS file system which matches the name specified. If the virtual file space has backup data, the file space definition associated with the virtual file space will also be renamed.

Tip: See the virtual file space name parameter in the DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING command for more naming considerations.

In determining the file systems to process, the server will not use any DOMAIN.NAS, INCLUDE.FS.NAS, or EXCLUDE.FS.NAS statements in any client option file or client option set. If you back up multiple file systems, the backup of each file system is a separate server process.

Specifies the name of the management class to which this backup data is bound. If you do not specify a management class, the backup data is bound to the default management class of the policy domain to which the node is assigned. In determining the management class, the server will not use any INCLUDE.FS.NAS statements in any client option file or client option set. The destination management class might refer to an IBM Spectrum Protect native pool, in which case Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) data is sent into the IBM Spectrum Protect native hierarchy. After this occurs, the data stays in the IBM Spectrum Protect hierarchy. Data flowing to IBM Spectrum Protect native pools goes over the LAN and data flowing to NAS pools can be directly attached or over a SAN.

When you specify a management class with the BACKUP NODE command, all versions of the backup data that belong to the NAS node are rebound to the new management class.

Specifies whether a table of contents (TOC) is saved for each file system backup. Consider the following in determining whether you want to save a table of contents:
  • If a table of contents is saved, you will be able to use the QUERY TOC command to determine the contents of a file system backup in conjunction with the RESTORE NODE command to restore individual files or directory trees. You can also use the IBM Spectrum Protect web backup-archive client to examine the entire file system tree and choose files and directories to restore. Creation of a table of contents requires that you define the TOCDESTINATION attribute in the backup copy group for the management class to which this backup image is bound. Creating a table of contents requires additional processing, network resources, storage pool space, and possibly a mount point during the backup operation.
  • A table of contents for a NAS file system cannot have a directory path greater than 1024 characters.
  • If a table of contents is not saved for a file system backup, you will still be able to restore individual files or directory trees using the RESTORE NODE command, provided that you know the fully qualified name of each file or directory to be restored and the image in which that object was backed up.

    This parameter is optional. The default value is Preferred. Possible values are:

    Specifies that table of contents information is not saved for file system backups.
    Specifies that table of contents information should be saved for file system backups. However, a backup does not fail just because an error occurs during creation of the table of contents. This is the default value.
    Specifies that table of contents information must be saved for each file system backup. A backup fails if an error occurs during creation of the table of contents.
Attention: If MODE=DIFFERENTIAL is specified and a table of contents is requested (TOC=PREFERRED or TOC=YES), but the last full image does not have a table of contents, a full backup will be performed and a table of contents will be created for that full backup.
Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete processing this command in the foreground. The default is NO. Possible values are:
Specifies that the server processes this command in the background. Use the QUERY PROCESS command to monitor the background processing of this command.
Specifies that the server processes this command in the foreground. You wait for the command to complete before continuing with other tasks. The server then displays the output messages to the administrative client when the command completes. If you are backing up multiple file systems, all backup processes must complete before the command is complete.
Attention: You cannot specify WAIT=YES from the server console.

Specifies whether the file system backups are full or differential. The default is DIFFERENTIAL.

Specifies to back up the entire file system.
Specifies that only the files that have changed since the most recent full backup should be backed up. If you choose a differential backup, and a full backup is not found, a full backup is performed. You cannot specify TYPE=SNAPMIRROR when the MODE parameter is set to DIFFERENTIAL.

Specifies the backup method used to perform the NDMP backup operation. The default value for this parameter is BACKUPIMAGE and it should be used to perform a standard NDMP base or differential backup. Other image types represent backup methods that might be specific to a particular file server. Possible values are:

Specifies that the file system should be backed up using an NDMP dump operation. This is the default method for performing an NDMP backup. The BACKUPIMAGE type operation supports full and differential backups, file-level restore processing and directory-level backup.
Specifies that the file system should be copied to an IBM Spectrum Protect storage pool using the NetApp SnapMirror to Tape function. SnapMirror images are block level full backup images of a file system. Typically, a SnapMirror backup takes significantly less time to perform than a traditional NDMP full file system backup. However there are limitations and restrictions on how SnapMirror images can be used. The SnapMirror to Tape function is intended to be used as a disaster-recovery option for copying very large NetApp file systems to secondary storage.

For most NetApp file systems, use the standard NDMP full or differential backup method. Refer to the documentation that came with your NetApp file server for more information.

When setting the TYPE parameter to SNAPMirror, the following restrictions apply:

  • You cannot specify TOC=YES or TOC=PREFERRED.
  • The file_system_name cannot be a virtual filespace name.
  • The snapshot which is created automatically by the file server during the SnapMirror copy operation will be deleted at end of the operation.
  • This parameter is valid for NetApp and IBM® N-Series file servers only.

Example: Perform a full backup

Perform a full backup on the /vol/vol10 file system of NAS node NAS1.
backup node nas1 /vol/vol10 mode=full

Example: Perform a backup on a directory and create a table of contents

Back up the directory /vol/vol2/mikes on the node NAS1 and create a table of contents for the image. For the following two examples, assume Table 1 contains the virtual file space definitions exist on the server for the node NAS1.
backup node nas1 /mikesdir
Table 1. Virtual file space definitions
Virtual file space name File system Path
/mikesdir /vol/vol2 /mikes
/DataDirVol2 /vol/vol2 /project1/data
/TestDirVol1 /vol/vol1 /project1/test

Example: Perform a backup on two directories

Back up the directories /vol/vol2/project1/data and /vol/vol1/project1/test of the node NAS1. Refer to Table 1 for the virtual file space definitions that exist on the server for the node NAS1.
backup node nas1 /DataDirVol2,/testdirvol1  mode=full toc=yes

Related commands

Table 2. Commands related to BACKUP NODE
Command Description
BACKUP NAS (client command) Creates a backup of NAS node data.
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
DEFINE COPYGROUP Defines a copy group for backup or archive processing within a specified management class.
DEFINE VIRTUALFSMAPPING Define a virtual file space mapping.
QUERY NASBACKUP Displays information about NAS backup images.
QUERY TOC Displays details about the table of contents for a specified backup image.
QUERY COPYGROUP Displays the attributes of a copy group.
RESTORE NAS (client command) Restores a backup of NAS node data.
RESTORE NODE Restores a network-attached storage (NAS) node.
UPDATE COPYGROUP Changes one or more attributes of a copy group.