DECOMMISSION VM (Decommission a virtual machine)

Use this command to remove an individual virtual machine within a data center node. The file space that represents the virtual machine is deleted from the server only after its backup data expires.

Attention: This command cannot be reversed and causes deletion of data. This command does not delete the virtual machine file space until after its data expires.

When a virtual machine is no longer needed in your production environment, you can issue this command to initiate a staged removal of the virtual machine file space from the server. The DECOMMISSION VM command marks all data that was backed up for the virtual machine as inactive, so it can be deleted according to your data retention policies. After all data that was backed up for the virtual machine expires, the file space that represents the virtual machine is deleted. The DECOMMISSION VM command affects only the virtual machine that you identify. The data center node, and the other virtual machines that are hosted by the data center node are not affected.

To reset the status of a virtual machine that was previously decommissioned from the production environment, use the RECOMMISSION VM command.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy privilege, or restricted policy privilege. The administrator for the data center node that hosts the virtual machine can also issue this command.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDECommission VMnode_namevm_name NAMEType=FSIDWait=NoWait=YesNo


node_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the data center node that hosts the virtual machine to be decommissioned.
vm_name (Required)
Identifies the file space that represents the virtual machine to be decommissioned. Each virtual machine that is hosted by a data center node is represented as a file space.

If the name includes one or more spaces, you must enclose the name in double quotation marks when you issue the command.

By default, the server interprets the file space name that you enter by using the server code page and also attempts to convert the file space name from the server code page to the UTF-8 code page. Conversion might fail if the string includes characters that are not available in the server code page, or if the server cannot access system conversion routines.

If the name of the virtual machine is a non-English-language name, this parameter must specify the file space ID (FSID). By specifying the NAMEType parameter, you can instruct the server to interpret the file space name by its file space ID (FSID) instead.

Specify how you want the server to interpret the file space name that you enter to identify the virtual machine. This parameter is useful when the server has clients with Unicode support. You can specify the following value:
The server interprets the file space name by its file space ID (FSID).
Specifies whether to wait for the server to complete processing this command in the foreground. This parameter is optional. The default value is No. You can specify the following values:
The server processes this command in the background and you can continue with other tasks while the command is processing. Messages that are related to the background process are shown either in the activity log file or the server console, depending on where the messages are logged.
The server processes this command in the foreground. The operation must complete before you can continue with other tasks. Messages are shown either in the activity log file or the server console, or both, depending on where the messages are logged.
Restriction: You cannot specify WAIT=YES from the server console.

Examples: Decommission a virtual machine

Decommission the virtual machine CODY.

decommission vm dept06node cody
Decommission the virtual machine CODY 2.
decommission vm dept06node "cody 2"

Decommission a virtual machine by specifying its file space ID.

decommission vm dept06node 7 nametype=fsid

Related commands

Table 1. Commands related to DECOMMISSION VM
Command Description
DECOMMISSION NODE Decommissions an application or system.
DEACTIVATE DATA Deactivates data for a client node.
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODE Displays partial or complete information about one or more clients.
RECOMMISSION NODE Recommissions a decommissioned node.
RECOMMISSION VM Recommissions a decommissioned VM.