DEFINE COPYGROUP (Define an archive copy group)

Use this command to define a new archive copy group within a specific management class, policy set, and policy domain.

Privilege class

To issue this command, you must have system privilege, unrestricted policy privilege, or restricted policy privilege for the policy domain to which the copy group belongs.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramDEFine COpygroupdomain_namepolicy_set_name class_nameSTANDARDSTANDARDType=Archive DESTination= pool_nameFREQuency=CmdFREQuency=CmdRETVer=365RETVer=daysNOLimitRETInit=CREATionRETInit=EVentRETMin=365RETMin=daysMODE=ABSoluteMODE=ABSoluteSERialization=SHRSTaticSERialization=SHRSTaticSTaticSHRDYnamicDYnamic


domain_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy domain for which you are defining the copy group.
policy_set_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the policy set for which you are defining the copy group.

You cannot define a copy group for a management class that belongs to the ACTIVE policy set.

class_name (Required)
Specifies the name of the management class for which you are defining the copy group.
Specifies the name of the copy group, which must be STANDARD. This parameter is optional. The default value is STANDARD.
Type=Archive (Required)
Specifies that you want to define an archive copy group.
DESTination (Required)
Specifies the primary storage pool where the server initially stores the archive copy. You cannot specify a copy storage pool or a retention storage pool as the destination.
Specifies the copy frequency, which must be CMD. This parameter is optional. The default value is CMD.
Specifies the number of days to keep an archive copy. This parameter is optional. The default value is 365. Possible values are:
Specifies the length of time to keep an archive copy. You can specify an integer in the range 0 - 30000.
Tip: To help ensure that your data can be recovered after a malware incident, such as a ransomware attack, specify a value of at least 30 days.
The RETENTIONEXTENSION server option can affect the volume retention if the following conditions are true:
  • You specify zero for the number of days
  • The destination storage pool for the archive copy group is a SnapLock storage pool (RECLAMATIONTYPE=SNAPLOCK)
If the two conditions are met, retention of the volumes is defined by the value of the RETENTIONEXTENSION server option. The RETENTIONEXTENSION server option value also applies if data is copied or moved into the SnapLock storage pool by a server process such as migration, or by using the MOVE DATA or MOVE NODEDATA commands.
Specifies that you want to keep an archive copy indefinitely.

If you specify NOLIMIT, the server retains archive copies forever, unless a user or administrator deletes the file from server storage. If you specify NOLIMIT, you cannot also specify EVENT for the RETINIT parameter.

The value of the RETVER parameter can affect the management class to which the server binds an archived directory. If the client does not use the ARCHMC option, the server binds directories that are archived to the default management class. If the default management class has no archive copy group, the server binds directories that are archived to the management class with the shortest retention period.

The RETVER parameter of the archive copy group of the management class to which an object is bound determines the retention criterion for each object. See the SET ARCHIVERETENTIONPROTECTION command for a description of data protection.

If the primary storage pool specified in the DESTINATION parameter belongs to a Centera device class and data protection is enabled, then the RETVER value is sent to Centera for retention management purposes. See the SET ARCHIVERETENTIONPROTECTION command for a description of data protection.

Specifies when the retention time specified by the RETVER attribute is initiated. This parameter is optional. If you define the RETINIT value during copy group creation, you cannot modify it later. The default value is CREATION. Possible values are:
Specifies that the retention time specified by the RETVER attribute is initiated at the time an archive copy is stored on the IBM Spectrum® Protect server.
Specifies that the retention time specified in the RETVER parameter is initiated at the time a client application notifies the server of a retention-initiating event for the archive copy. If you specify RETINIT=EVENT, you cannot also specify RETVER=NOLIMIT.
Tip: You can place a deletion hold on an object that was stored with RETINIT=EVENT for which the event has not been signaled. If the event is signaled while the deletion hold is in effect, the retention period is initiated, but the object is not deleted while the hold is in effect.
Specifies the minimum number of days to keep an archive copy after it is archived. This parameter is optional. The default value is 365. If you specify RETINIT=CREATION, this parameter is ignored.
Specifies that a file is always archived when the client requests it. The MODE must be ABSOLUTE. This parameter is optional. The default value is ABSOLUTE.
Specifies how IBM Spectrum Protect processes files that are modified during archive. This parameter is optional. The default value is SHRSTATIC. Possible values are:
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect archives a file only if it is not being modified. IBM Spectrum Protect attempts to perform an archive operation as many as four times, depending on the value that is specified for the CHANGINGRETRIES client option. If the file is modified during the archive attempt, IBM Spectrum Protect does not archive the file.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect archives a file only if it is not being modified. IBM Spectrum Protect attempts to perform the archive operation only once.

Platforms that do not support the STATIC option default to SHRSTATIC.

Specifies that if the file is being modified during an archive attempt, IBM Spectrum Protect archives the file during its last attempt even though the file is being modified. IBM Spectrum Protect attempts to archive the file as many as four times, depending on the value that is specified for the CHANGINGRETRIES client option.
Specifies that IBM Spectrum Protect archives a file on the first attempt, regardless of whether the file is being modified during archive processing.
Attention: Be careful about using the SHRDYNAMIC and DYNAMIC values. IBM Spectrum Protect uses them to determine if it archives a file while modifications are occurring. As a result, the archive copy might be a fuzzy backup. A fuzzy backup does not accurately reflect what is in the file because it contains some, but not all, modifications. If a file that contains a fuzzy backup is retrieved, the file might or might not be usable, depending on the application that uses the file. If a fuzzy backup is not acceptable, set SERIALIZATION to SHRSTATIC or STATIC so that IBM Spectrum Protect creates an archive copy only if the file is not being modified.

Example: Define an archive copy group for event-based retention

Create an archive copy group named STANDARD for management class EVENTMC in policy set SUMMER in the PROG1 policy domain. Set the archive destination to ARCHIVEPOOL, where the archive copy is kept until the server is notified of an event to initiate the retention time, after which the archive copy is kept for 30 days. The archive copy will be kept for a minimum of 90 days after being stored on the server, regardless of when the server is notified of an event to initiate the retention time.
define copygroup prog1 summer eventmc standard type=archive 
destination=archivepool retinit=event retver=30 retmin=90