Linux operating systemsWindows operating systems


The vmvstortransport option specifies the preferred transports order (hierarchy) to use when backing up or restoring VMware virtual machines. If you do not include a given transport using this option, that transport is excluded and is not used to transfer data.

The transport order that you specify determines how the VMware API for Data Protection (VADP) accesses virtual disk data, but it does not influence the data path that is used between the backup-archive client and the IBM Spectrum Protect™ server. Valid transports include any order or combination of the following options:
Network based data transfer. Access virtual disk data using the LAN. This transport path is generally available in all configurations.
Same as nbd, but the data is encrypted before being sent over the LAN. Encryption can decrease performance.
Storage Area Network transfer: Access virtual disk data using the SAN.
If you use the backup-archive client in a virtual machine, the hotadd transport allows the transport of backed up data to dynamically added storage.
Separate each transport option from the others with a colon, for example, san:nbd:nbdssl:hotadd.

If you do not specify a transport hierarchy, the default transport selection order is san:hotadd:nbdssl:nbd.

The first transport that is available is used to transfer the data. If you want to prevent data transport over a particular path, do not include it in the transport list. For example, if it is important to not disrupt LAN traffic, omit the nbd transports from the hierarchy.

Data moverVMware operations are available only if the client operates as a data mover for IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware.

Linux operating systemsSet this option in dsm.sys.

Windows operating systemsSet this option in the client options file (dsm.opt).

Supported clients

Windows operating systemsThis option is valid for Windows clients that are configured to back up or restore virtual machine files using VADP.

Linux operating systemsThis option is valid for Linux clients that are configured to back up or restore virtual machine files using VADP.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
                     V            |   
>>-VMVSTORTransport----+- ------+-+----------------------------><


If the SAN is available, do not transport backups or restores over the LAN
The backup-archive client is running in a virtual machine, but do not use the hotadd transport
Use the LAN transport, even if nbdssl is available, to obtain better performance
The SAN transport is preferred, but use nbd when the SAN is not available, and do not use nbdssl or hotadd