Planning to Install Personal Communications

This chapter describes the companion products provided with Personal Communications and topics that should be considered before installing Personal Communications Version 6.0.

Considerations Before Installing

Java Runtime Environment

Personal Communications provides a Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) to support its Java APIs and applications. For all supported Windows® operating systems, JRE 1.6.0 is installed.

Device Drivers

Personal Communications provides communications device drivers for some legacy adapters. For Windows XP and later Windows operating systems, the device driver package requires a separate installation and removal process. See Appendix A. Device Driver Installation before installing Personal Communications for use with communication adapters on Windows XP systems. In addition, some communication adapters may not be supported For Windows XP and later Windows operating systems. Refer to the attachments and adapters information in Administrator's Guide and Reference for more information.

Disk Space Requirements

Installation of Personal Communications to a drive other than the Windows volume (the drive containing the Windows folder) may still require as much as 180 MBs of available free space on the Windows volume. This is due to the installation of files to the Windows and system folders, as well as the caching of the Installer database by the Windows Installer service, and the use of temporary disk space by the Windows Installer service during the installation.

Migration Considerations

Personal Communications offers several migration options. To ensure that your session profiles, batch files, and other configuration information are migrated so you can use them with Version 6.0, see Custom Installation and the details on automatic migration options at Automatic Migration Options.

When migrating, you might be prompted to close all active Personal Communications sessions and actions.

Multi-Boot Environment Installation

If you want to install Personal Communications into a Personal Communications subdirectory that was originally installed under another operating system, you must remove the previous version first. Failure to do this may cause unpredictable results, including not being able to run Personal Communications from either operating system.

National Language Support (NLS) Considerations

Personal Communications provides a multi-language installation image that contains all supported languages including Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

The CM Mouse utility program comes with the Japanese, Korean, Traditional and Simplified Chinese install, but the application's messages do not have native language support and are only in English.

Additionally, each package is enabled for Triple DES (168-bit) encryption.

For information on multiple language support directories and language codes, see Appendix C. National Language Support (NLS) Abbreviations and Language Codes.

National Language Support Font Files

Personal Communications continues to provide multiple font files. In order to reduce the size of the installed product, the feature selection process has been enhanced to allow deselection of certain fonts.

Personal Communications Client Installation

Personal Communications supports the following SNA client installations:

If you plan to install IBM® Communications Server for Windows or SNA API Client, or Microsoft SNA clients, install them prior to installing Personal Communications.

The installation process detects any of the SNA products listed above that are installed on your system. If any of the listed SNA software is detected, the Personal Communications install will not install SNA protocol-related modules; instead it will use the SNA stack provided by the above products.

iSeries Access coexistence support

Coexistence support for iSeries Access PC5250 component is no longer provided. The iSeries Access PC5250 component must be removed prior to installing Personal Communications.

Windows x64 Platform Support

The x64-based versions of Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows server 2008, Microsoft Windows 7, and Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition are optimized to run native 64-bit programs, but do not support 32-bit drivers or 16-bit applications.

For these platforms, Personal Communications does not install the following features and libraries.